Migration guide#

The Migration Guide serves as a valuable resource for developers seeking to transition their parallel computing applications from different APIs (i.e. OpenMP) to HPX. HPX, an advanced C++ library, offers a versatile and high-performance platform for parallel and distributed computing, providing a wide range of features and capabilities. This guide aims to assist developers in understanding the key differences between different APIs and HPX, and it provides step-by-step instructions for converting code to HPX code effectively.

Some general steps that can be used to migrate code to HPX code are the following:

  1. Install HPX using the Quick start guide.

  2. Include the HPX header files:

    Add the necessary header files for HPX at the beginning of your code, such as:

    #include <hpx/init.hpp>
  3. Replace your code with HPX code using the guide that follows.

  4. Use HPX-specific features and APIs:

    HPX provides additional features and APIs that can be used to take advantage of the library’s capabilities. For example, you can use the HPX asynchronous execution to express fine-grained tasks and dependencies, or utilize HPX’s distributed computing features for distributed memory systems.

  5. Compile and run the HPX code:

    Compile the converted code with the HPX library and run it using the appropriate HPX runtime environment.


The OpenMP API supports multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming in C/C++. Typically it is used for loop-level parallelism, but it also supports function-level parallelism. Below are some examples on how to convert OpenMP to HPX code:

OpenMP parallel for loop#

Parallel for loop#

OpenMP code:

#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    // loop body

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/parallel/algorithms/for_loop.hpp>

hpx::experimental::for_loop(hpx::execution::par, 0, n, [&](int i) {
    // loop body

In the above code, the OpenMP #pragma omp parallel for directive is replaced with hpx::experimental::for_loop from the HPX library. The loop body within the lambda function will be executed in parallel for each iteration.

Private variables#

OpenMP code:

int x = 0;

#pragma omp parallel for private(x)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    // loop body

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/parallel/algorithms/for_loop.hpp>

hpx::experimental::for_loop(hpx::execution::par, 0, n, [&](int i) {
        int x = 0; // Declare 'x' as a local variable inside the loop body
        // loop body

The variable x is declared as a local variable inside the loop body, ensuring that it is private to each thread.

Shared variables#

OpenMP code:

int x = 0;

#pragma omp parallel for shared(x)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    // loop body

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/parallel/algorithms/for_loop.hpp>

std::atomic<int> x = 0; // Declare 'x' as a shared variable outside the loop

hpx::experimental::for_loop(hpx::execution::par, 0, n, [&](int i) {
    // loop body

To ensure variable x is shared among all threads, you simply have to declare it as an atomic variable outside the for_loop.

Number of threads#

OpenMP code:

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(2)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    // loop body

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/parallel/algorithms/for_loop.hpp>
#include <hpx/execution/executors/num_cores.hpp>

hpx::execution::experimental::num_cores nc(2);

hpx::experimental::for_loop(hpx::execution::par.with(nc), 0, n, [&](int i) {
    // loop body

To declare the number of threads to be used for the parallel region, you can use hpx::execution::experimental::num_cores and pass the number of cores (nc) to the for_loop using hpx::execution::par.with(nc). This example uses 2 threads for the parallel loop.


OpenMP code:

int s = 0;

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: s)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    s += i;
    // loop body

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/parallel/algorithms/for_loop.hpp>
#include <hpx/execution/executors/num_cores.hpp>

int s = 0;

hpx::experimental::for_loop(hpx::execution::par, 0, n, reduction(s, 0, plus<>()), [&](int i, int& accum) {
    accum += i;
    // loop body

The reduction clause specifies that the variable s` should be reduced across iterations using the plus<>` operation. It initializes s to 0 at the beginning of the loop and accumulates the values of s from each iteration using the + operator. The lambda function representing the loop body takes two parameters: i, which represents the loop index, and accum, which is the reduction variable s. The lambda function is executed for each iteration of the loop. The reduction ensures that the accum value is correctly accumulated across different iterations and threads.


OpenMP code:

int s = 0;

// static scheduling with chunk size 1000
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1000)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    // loop body

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/parallel/algorithms/for_loop.hpp>
#include <hpx/execution/executors/static_chunk_size.hpp>

hpx::execution::experimental::static_chunk_size cs(1000);

hpx::experimental::for_loop(hpx::execution::par.with(cs), 0, n, [&](int i) {
    // loop body

To define the scheduling type, you can use the corresponding execution policy from hpx::execution::experimental, define the chunk size (cs, here declared as 1000) and pass it to the for_loop using hpx::execution::par.with(cs).

Accordingly, other types of scheduling are available and can be used in a similar manner:

#include <hpx/execution/executors/dynamic_chunk_size.hpp>
hpx::execution::experimental::dynamic_chunk_size cs(1000);
#include <hpx/execution/executors/guided_chunk_size.hpp>
hpx::execution::experimental::guided_chunk_size cs(1000);
#include <hpx/execution/executors/auto_chunk_size.hpp>
hpx::execution::experimental::auto_chunk_size cs(1000);

OpenMP single thread#

OpenMP code:

{   // parallel code
    #pragma omp single
        // single-threaded code
    // more parallel code

HPX equivalent:

hpx::mutex mtx;

{   // parallel code
    {   // single-threaded code
        std::scoped_lock l(mtx);
    // more parallel code

To make sure that only one thread accesses a specific code within a parallel section you can use hpx::mutex and std::scoped_lock to take ownership of the given mutex mtx. For more information about mutexes please refer to Mutex.

OpenMP tasks#

Simple tasks#

OpenMP code:

// executed asynchronously by any available thread
#pragma omp task
    // task code

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/future.hpp>

auto future = hpx::async([](){
    // task code


#include <hpx/async_base/post.hpp>

    // task code
}); // fire and forget

The tasks in HPX can be defined simply by using the async function and passing as argument the code you wish to run asynchronously. Another alternative is to use post which is a fire-and-forget method.


If you think you will like to synchronize your tasks later on, we suggest you use hpx::async which provides synchronization options, while hpx::post explicitly states that there is no return value or way to synchronize with the function execution. Synchronization options are listed below.

Task wait#

OpenMP code:

#pragma omp task
    // task code

#pragma omp taskwait
// code after completion of task

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/future.hpp>

    // task code
}).get(); // wait for the task to complete

// code after completion of task

The get() function can be used to ensure that the task created with hpx::async is completed before the code continues executing beyond that point.

Multiple tasks synchronization#

OpenMP code:

#pragma omp task
    // task 1 code

#pragma omp task
    // task 2 code

#pragma omp taskwait
// code after completion of both tasks 1 and 2

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/future.hpp>

auto future1 = hpx::async([](){
    // task 1 code

auto future2 = hpx::async([](){
    // task 2 code

auto future = hpx::when_all(future1, future2).then([](auto&&){
    // code after completion of both tasks 1 and 2

If you would like to synchronize multiple tasks, you can use the hpx::when_all function to define which futures have to be ready and the then() function to declare what should be executed once these futures are ready.


OpenMP code:

int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = 0;

#pragma omp task depend(in: a, b) depend(out: c)
    // task code
    c = 100;

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/future.hpp>
#include <hpx/async_base/dataflow.hpp>

int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = 0;

// Create a future representing 'a'
auto future_a = hpx::make_ready_future(a);

// Create a future representing 'b'
auto future_b = hpx::make_ready_future(b);

// Create a task that depends on 'a' and 'b' and executes 'task_code'
auto future_c = hpx::dataflow([](){
                                    // task code
                                    return 100;

c = future_c.get();

If one of the arguments of hpx::dataflow is a future, then it will wait for the future to be ready to launch the thread. Hence, to define the dependencies of tasks you have to create futures representing the variables that create dependencies and pass them as arguments to hpx::dataflow. get() is used to save the result of the future to the desired variable.

Nested tasks#

OpenMP code:

#pragma omp task
    // Outer task code
    #pragma omp task
        // Inner task code

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/future.hpp>

auto future_outer = hpx::async([](){
    // Outer task code

        // Inner task code


#include <hpx/async_base/post.hpp>

auto future_outer = hpx::post([](){ // fire and forget
    // Outer task code

    hpx::post([](){ // fire and forget
        // Inner task code

If you have nested tasks, you can simply use nested hpx::async or hpx::post calls. The implementation is similar if you want to take care of synchronization:

OpenMP code:

#pragma omp taskwait
    // Outer task code
    #pragma omp taskwait
        // Inner task code

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/future.hpp>

auto future_outer = hpx::async([](){
    // Outer task code

        // Inner task code
    }).get(); // Wait for the inner task to complete

future_outer.get(); // Wait for the outer task to complete

Task yield#

OpenMP code:

#pragma omp task
    // code before yielding
    #pragma omp taskyield
    // code after yielding

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/future.hpp>
#include <hpx/threading/thread.hpp>

auto future = hpx::async([](){
    // code before yielding

// yield execution to potentially allow other tasks to run

// code after yielding

After creating a task using hpx::async, hpx::this_thread::yield() can be used to reschedule the execution of threads, allowing other threads to run.

Task group#

OpenMP code:

#pragma omp taskgroup
    #pragma omp task
        // task 1 code

    #pragma omp task
        // task 2 code

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/experimental/task_group.hpp>

// Declare a task group
hpx::experimental::task_group tg;

// Run the tasks
    // task 1 code
    // task 2 code

// Wait for the task group

To create task groups, you can use hpx::experimental::task_group. The function run() can be used to run each task within the task group, while wait() can be used to achieve synchronization. If you do not care about waiting for the task group to complete its execution, you can simply remove the wait() function.

OpenMP sections#

OpenMP code:

#pragma omp sections
    #pragma omp section
    // section 1 code
    #pragma omp section
    // section 2 code
} // implicit synchronization

HPX equivalent:

#include <hpx/future.hpp>

auto future_section1 = hpx::async([](){
    // section 1 code
auto future_section2 = hpx::async([](){
    // section 2 code

// synchronization: wait for both sections to complete
hpx::wait_all(future_section1, future_section2);

Unlike tasks, there is an implicit synchronization barrier at the end of each sections` directive in OpenMP. This synchronization is achieved using hpx::wait_all function.


If the nowait clause is used in the sections directive, then you can just remove the hpx::wait_all function while keeping the rest of the code as it is.