.. Copyright (c) 2022 Dimitra Karatza Copyright (C) 2019 Mikael Simberg SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) .. _troubleshooting: =============== Troubleshooting =============== Common issues ============= This section contains commonly encountered problems when compiling or using HPX. See also the closed issues on `GitHub `_ to find out how other people resolved a similar problem. If nothing of that works, you can also open a new issue on `GitHub `_ or contact us using one the options found in `Support for deploying and using HPX `_. .. _troubleshooting_iostreams: ``HPX::iostreams_component" target not found`` ---------------------------------------------- You may see a |cmake|_ error message that looks a bit like this: .. code-block:: text error: `HPX::iostreams_component`` target not found Simply ensure that |hpx| is installed with ``HPX_WITH_DISTRIBUTED_RUNTIME=ON`` to prevent encountering such error(s). This is required if you want to use ``hpx::cout``. ``Undefined reference to hpx::cout`` ------------------------------------ You may see a linker error message that looks a bit like this: .. code-block:: text hello_world.cpp:(.text+0x5aa): undefined reference to `hpx::cout' This usually happens if you are trying to use |hpx| iostreams functionality such as ``hpx::cout`` but are not linking against it. The iostreams functionality is not part of the core |hpx| library, and must be linked to explicitly. Typically this can be solved by adding ``COMPONENT_DEPENDENCIES iostreams`` to a call to ``add_hpx_library/add_hpx_executable/hpx_setup_target`` if using |cmake|_. See :ref:`creating_hpx_projects` for more details. ``Fail compiling for examples with hpx::future and co_await`` ------------------------------------------------------------- You may see an error message that looks a bit like this: .. code-block:: text error: coroutines require a traits template; cannot find 'std::coroutine_traits' This can be resolved by using ``-DHPX_WITH_CXX_STANDARD=20`` to the cmake command line. Note that a compiler that supports C++20 is needed. See also the corresponding closed :hpx-issue:`5784`. ``Build fails with ASIO error`` ------------------------------- You may see an error message that looks a bit like this: .. code-block:: text Cannot open include file asio/io_context.hpp This can be resolved by using ``-DHPX_WITH_FETCH_ASIO=ON`` to the cmake command line. See also the corresponding closed :hpx-issue:`5404` for more information. ``Build fails with TCMalloc error`` ----------------------------------- You may see an error message that looks a bit like this: .. code-block:: text Could NOT find TCMalloc (missing: Tcmalloc_LIBRARY Tcmalloc_INCLUDE_DIR) ERROR: HPX_WITH_MALLOC was set to tcmalloc, but tcmalloc could not be found. Valid options for HPX_WITH_MALLOC are: system, tcmalloc, jemalloc, mimalloc, tbbmalloc, and custom This can be resolved either by defining ``HPX_WITH_MALLOC=system`` or by installing TCMalloc. This error occurs when users don't specify an option for ``HPX_WITH_MALLOC``; in that case, |hpx| will be looking ``tcmalloc``, which is the default value. Useful suggestions ================== Reducing compilation time ------------------------- If you want to significantly reduce compilation time, you can just use the local part of |hpx| for parallelism by disabling the distributed functionality. Moreover, you can avoid compiling examples. These can be done with the following flags: .. code-block:: text -DHPX_WITH_NETWORKING=OFF -DHPX_WITH_DISTRIBUTED_RUNTIME=OFF -DHPX_WITH_EXAMPLES=OFF -DHPX_WITH_TESTS=OFF Linking |hpx| to your application --------------------------------- If you want to avoid installing and linking |hpx|, you can just build |hpx| and then use the following flag on your |hpx| application CMake configuration: .. code-block:: text -DHPX_DIR=/lib/cmake/HPX .. note:: For this to work you need not to specify ``-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`` when building |hpx|. |hpx|-application build type conformance ---------------------------------------- Your application's build type should align with the HPX build type. For example, if you specified ``-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug`` during the |hpx| compilation, then your application needs to be compiled with the same flag. We recommend keeping a separate build folder for different build types and just point accordingly to the type you want by using ``-DHPX_DIR=/lib/cmake/HPX``.