.. Copyright (c) 2023 Jiakun Yan SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) .. _using_the_lci_parcelport: ======================== Using the LCI parcelport ======================== .. _info_lci: Basic information ================= The `Lightweight Communication Interface`_ (LCI) is an ongoing research project aiming to provide efficient support for applications with irregular and asynchronous communication patterns such as graph analysis, sparse linear algebra, and task-based runtime on modern parallel architectures. Its features include (a) support for more communication primitives such as two-sided send/recv and one-sided (dynamic or direct) remote put/get (b) better multi-threaded performance (c) explicit user control of communication resource (d) flexible signaling mechanisms such as synchronizer, completion queue, and active message handler. It is designed to be a low-level communication library used by high-level libraries and frameworks. The LCI parcelport is an experimental parcelport. It aims to provide the best possible communication performance on high-performance computation platforms. Compared to the MPI parcelport, it uses much fewer messages and memory copies to transfer an |hpx| parcel over the network. Its message transmission path involves minimum synchronization points and is almost lock-free. It is expected to be much faster than the MPI parcelport. .. _`Lightweight Communication Interface`: https://github.com/uiuc-hpc/lci .. _build_lci_pp: Build |hpx| with the LCI parcelport =================================== While building |hpx|, you can specify a set of |cmake|_ variables to enable and configure the LCI parcelport. Below, there is a set of the most important and frequently used CMake variables. .. option:: HPX_WITH_PARCELPORT_LCI Enable the LCI parcelport. This enables the use of LCI for networking operations in the |hpx| runtime. The default value is ``OFF`` because it's not available on all systems and/or requires another dependency. However, this experimental parcelport may provide better performance than the MPI parcelport. You must set this variable to ``ON`` in order to use the LCI parcelport. All the following variables only make sense when this variable is set to ``ON``. .. option:: HPX_WITH_FETCH_LCI Use FetchContent to fetch LCI. The default value is ``OFF``. If this option is set to ``OFF``. You need to install your own LCI library and |hpx| will try to find it using |cmake|_ ``find_package``. You can specify the location of the LCI installation by the environmental variable ``LCI_ROOT``. Refer to the `LCI README`_ for how to install LCI. If this option is set to ``ON``. |hpx| will fetch and build LCI for you. You can use the following |cmake|_ variables to configure this behavior for your platform. .. _`LCI README`: https://github.com/uiuc-hpc/lci#readme .. option:: HPX_WITH_LCI_TAG This variable only takes effect when ``HPX_WITH_FETCH_LCI`` is set to ``ON`` and ``FETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_LCI`` is not set. |hpx| will fetch LCI from its github repository. This variable controls the branch/tag LCI will be fetched. .. option:: FETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_LCI This variable only takes effect when ``HPX_WITH_FETCH_LCI`` is set to ``ON``. When it is defined, ``HPX_WITH_LCI_TAG`` will be ignored. It accepts a path to a local version of LCI source code and |hpx| will fetch and build LCI from there. The default value is set conservatively for the stability of |hpx|, but users are welcome to set this variable to ``master`` for potentially better performance. .. _run_lci_pp: Run |hpx| with the LCI parcelport ================================= We use the same mechanisms as MPI to launch LCI, so you can use the same way you run MPI parcelport to run LCI parcelport. Typically, it would be ``hpxrun``, ``mpirun``, or ``srun``. If you are using ``hpxrun.py``, just pass ``--parcelport lci`` to the scripts. If you are using ``mpirun`` or ``srun``, you can just pass ``--hpx:ini=hpx.parcel.lci.priority=1000``, ``--hpx:ini=hpx.parcel.lci.enable=1``, and ``--hpx:ini=hpx.parcel.bootstrap=lci`` to the |hpx| applications. .. _tune_lci_pp: Performance tuning of the LCI parcelport ======================================== We encourage users to set the following environmental variables when using the LCI parcelport to get better performance. .. code-block:: shell-session $ export LCI_SERVER_MAX_SENDS=1024 $ export LCI_SERVER_MAX_RECVS=4096 $ export LCI_SERVER_NUM_PKTS=65536 $ export LCI_SERVER_MAX_CQES=65536 $ export LCI_PACKET_SIZE=12288 This setting needs roughly 800MB memory per process. The memory consumption mainly comes from the packets, which can be calculated using `LCI_SERVER_NUM_PKTS x LCI_PACKET_SIZE`.