.. Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Hartmut Kaiser SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) .. _hpx_0_8_1: =========================== |hpx| V0.8.1 (Apr 21, 2012) =========================== This is a point release including important bug fixes for :ref:`hpx_0_8_0`. General changes =============== * |hpx| does not need to be installed anymore to be functional. Bug fixes (closed tickets) ========================== Here is a list of the important tickets we closed for this point release: * :hpx-issue:`295` - Don't require install path to be known at compile time. * :hpx-issue:`371` - Add hpx iostreams to standard build. * :hpx-issue:`384` - Fix compilation with GCC 4.7. * :hpx-issue:`390` - Remove keep_factory_alive startup call from ShenEOS; add shutdown call to H5close. * :hpx-issue:`393` - Thread affinity control is broken. Bug fixes (commits) =================== Here is a list of the important commits included in this point release: * r7642 - External: Fix backtrace memory violation. * r7775 - Components: Fix symbol visibility bug with component startup providers. This prevents one components providers from overriding another components. * r7778 - Components: Fix startup/shutdown provider shadowing issues.