
The contents of this module can be included with the header hpx/modules/execution.hpp. These headers may be used by user-code but are not guaranteed stable (neither header location nor contents). You are using these at your own risk. If you wish to use non-public functionality from a module we strongly suggest only including the module header hpx/modules/execution.hpp, not the particular header in which the functionality you would like to use is defined. See Public API for a list of names that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx
namespace execution
struct auto_chunk_size
#include <auto_chunk_size.hpp>

Loop iterations are divided into pieces and then assigned to threads. The number of loop iterations combined is determined based on measurements of how long the execution of 1% of the overall number of iterations takes. This executor parameters type makes sure that as many loop iterations are combined as necessary to run for the amount of time specified.

Public Functions

constexpr auto_chunk_size(std::uint64_t num_iters_for_timing = 0)

Construct an auto_chunk_size executor parameters object


Default constructed auto_chunk_size executor parameter types will use 80 microseconds as the minimal time for which any of the scheduled chunks should run.

auto_chunk_size(hpx::chrono::steady_duration const &rel_time, std::uint64_t num_iters_for_timing = 0)

Construct an auto_chunk_size executor parameters object

  • rel_time: [in] The time duration to use as the minimum to decide how many loop iterations should be combined.

namespace parallel
namespace execution


typedef hpx::is_sequenced_execution_policy<T> instead
namespace hpx
namespace execution
struct dynamic_chunk_size
#include <dynamic_chunk_size.hpp>

Loop iterations are divided into pieces of size chunk_size and then dynamically scheduled among the threads; when a thread finishes one chunk, it is dynamically assigned another If chunk_size is not specified, the default chunk size is 1.


This executor parameters type is equivalent to OpenMP’s DYNAMIC scheduling directive.

Public Functions

constexpr dynamic_chunk_size(std::size_t chunk_size = 1)

Construct a dynamic_chunk_size executor parameters object

  • chunk_size: [in] The optional chunk size to use as the number of loop iterations to schedule together. The default chunk size is 1.

namespace hpx
namespace execution
namespace experimental


hpx::execution::experimental::make_with_hint_t make_with_hint
hpx::execution::experimental::get_hint_t get_hint
namespace parallel
namespace execution


template<typename ...Params>
executor_parameters_join<Params...>::type join_executor_parameters(Params&&... params)
template<typename Param>
Param &&join_executor_parameters(Param &&param)
template<typename ...Params>
struct executor_parameters_join

Public Types

using type = detail::executor_parameters<typename std::decay<Params>::type...>
template<typename Param>
struct executor_parameters_join<Param>

Public Types

using type = Param
namespace hpx
namespace execution
struct guided_chunk_size
#include <guided_chunk_size.hpp>

Iterations are dynamically assigned to threads in blocks as threads request them until no blocks remain to be assigned. Similar to dynamic_chunk_size except that the block size decreases each time a number of loop iterations is given to a thread. The size of the initial block is proportional to number_of_iterations / number_of_cores. Subsequent blocks are proportional to number_of_iterations_remaining / number_of_cores. The optional chunk size parameter defines the minimum block size. The default chunk size is 1.


This executor parameters type is equivalent to OpenMP’s GUIDED scheduling directive.

Public Functions

constexpr guided_chunk_size(std::size_t min_chunk_size = 1)

Construct a guided_chunk_size executor parameters object

  • min_chunk_size: [in] The optional minimal chunk size to use as the minimal number of loop iterations to schedule together. The default minimal chunk size is 1.

namespace hpx
namespace execution
struct persistent_auto_chunk_size
#include <persistent_auto_chunk_size.hpp>

Loop iterations are divided into pieces and then assigned to threads. The number of loop iterations combined is determined based on measurements of how long the execution of 1% of the overall number of iterations takes. This executor parameters type makes sure that as many loop iterations are combined as necessary to run for the amount of time specified.

Public Functions

constexpr persistent_auto_chunk_size(std::uint64_t num_iters_for_timing = 0)

Construct an persistent_auto_chunk_size executor parameters object


Default constructed persistent_auto_chunk_size executor parameter types will use 0 microseconds as the execution time for each chunk and 80 microseconds as the minimal time for which any of the scheduled chunks should run.

persistent_auto_chunk_size(hpx::chrono::steady_duration const &time_cs, std::uint64_t num_iters_for_timing = 0)

Construct an persistent_auto_chunk_size executor parameters object

  • time_cs: The execution time for each chunk.

persistent_auto_chunk_size(hpx::chrono::steady_duration const &time_cs, hpx::chrono::steady_duration const &rel_time, std::uint64_t num_iters_for_timing = 0)

Construct an persistent_auto_chunk_size executor parameters object

  • rel_time: [in] The time duration to use as the minimum to decide how many loop iterations should be combined.

  • time_cs: The execution time for each chunk.

namespace hpx
namespace parallel
namespace execution
template<typename R, typename ...Ts>
class polymorphic_executor<R(Ts...)> : private hpx::parallel::execution::detail::polymorphic_executor_base

Public Types

template<typename T>
using future_type = hpx::future<R>

Public Functions

constexpr polymorphic_executor()
polymorphic_executor(polymorphic_executor const &other)
polymorphic_executor(polymorphic_executor &&other)
polymorphic_executor &operator=(polymorphic_executor const &other)
polymorphic_executor &operator=(polymorphic_executor &&other)
template<typename Exec, typename PE = typename std::decay<Exec>::type, typename Enable = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<PE, polymorphic_executor>::value>::type>
polymorphic_executor(Exec &&exec)
template<typename Exec, typename PE = typename std::decay<Exec>::type, typename Enable = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<PE, polymorphic_executor>::value>::type>
polymorphic_executor &operator=(Exec &&exec)
void reset()
template<typename F>
void post(F &&f, Ts... ts) const
template<typename F>
R sync_execute(F &&f, Ts... ts) const
template<typename F>
hpx::future<R> async_execute(F &&f, Ts... ts) const
template<typename F, typename Future>
hpx::future<R> then_execute(F &&f, Future &&predecessor, Ts&&... ts) const
template<typename F, typename Shape>
std::vector<R> bulk_sync_execute(F &&f, Shape const &s, Ts&&... ts) const
template<typename F, typename Shape>
std::vector<hpx::future<R>> bulk_async_execute(F &&f, Shape const &s, Ts&&... ts) const
template<typename F, typename Shape>
hpx::future<std::vector<R>> bulk_then_execute(F &&f, Shape const &s, hpx::shared_future<void> const &predecessor, Ts&&... ts) const

Private Types

using base_type = detail::polymorphic_executor_base
using vtable = detail::polymorphic_executor_vtable<R(Ts...)>

Private Functions

void assign(std::nullptr_t)
template<typename Exec>
void assign(Exec &&exec)

Private Static Functions

static constexpr vtable const *get_empty_vtable()
template<typename T>
static constexpr vtable const *get_vtable()
namespace hpx
namespace parallel
namespace execution
template<typename ExecutionPolicy, typename Executor, typename Parameters>
struct rebind_executor
#include <rebind_executor.hpp>

Rebind the type of executor used by an execution policy. The execution category of Executor shall not be weaker than that of ExecutionPolicy.

Public Types

typedef ExecutionPolicy::template rebind<executor_type, parameters_type>::type type

The type of the rebound execution policy.

namespace hpx
namespace execution
struct static_chunk_size
#include <static_chunk_size.hpp>

Loop iterations are divided into pieces of size chunk_size and then assigned to threads. If chunk_size is not specified, the iterations are evenly (if possible) divided contiguously among the threads.


This executor parameters type is equivalent to OpenMP’s STATIC scheduling directive.

Public Functions

constexpr static_chunk_size()

Construct a static_chunk_size executor parameters object


By default the number of loop iterations is determined from the number of available cores and the overall number of loop iterations to schedule.

constexpr static_chunk_size(std::size_t chunk_size)

Construct a static_chunk_size executor parameters object

  • chunk_size: [in] The optional chunk size to use as the number of loop iterations to run on a single thread.

namespace hpx
namespace parallel
namespace execution


template<typename Executor, typename T, typename ...Ts>
using executor_future_t = typename executor_future<Executor, T, Ts...>::type
template<typename Executor>
struct executor_context

Public Types

using type = typename std::decay::type
template<typename Executor>
struct executor_execution_category

Public Types

using type = hpx::util::detected_or_t<hpx::execution::unsequenced_execution_tag, execution_category, Executor>

Private Types

template<typename T>
using execution_category = typename T::execution_category
template<typename Executor>
struct executor_index

Public Types

using type = hpx::util::detected_or_t<typename executor_shape<Executor>::type, index_type, Executor>

Private Types

template<typename T>
using index_type = typename T::index_type
template<typename Executor>
struct executor_parameters_type

Public Types

using type = hpx::util::detected_or_t<hpx::execution::static_chunk_size, parameters_type, Executor>

Private Types

template<typename T>
using parameters_type = typename T::parameters_type
template<typename Executor>
struct executor_shape

Public Types

using type = hpx::util::detected_or_t<std::size_t, shape_type, Executor>

Private Types

template<typename T>
using shape_type = typename T::shape_type
namespace traits


template<typename Executor>
using executor_context_t = typename executor_context<Executor>::type
template<typename Executor>
using executor_execution_category_t = typename executor_execution_category<Executor>::type
template<typename Executor>
using executor_shape_t = typename executor_shape<Executor>::type
template<typename Executor>
using executor_index_t = typename executor_index<Executor>::type
template<typename Executor, typename T, typename ...Ts>
using executor_future_t = typename executor_future<Executor, T, Ts...>::type
template<typename Executor>
using executor_parameters_type_t = typename executor_parameters_type<Executor>::type
namespace hpx


template<typename T>HPX_INLINE_CONSTEXPR_VARIABLE bool hpx::is_execution_policy_v=is_execution_policy<T>::value
template<typename T>HPX_INLINE_CONSTEXPR_VARIABLE bool hpx::is_parallel_execution_policy_v=is_parallel_execution_policy<T>::value
template<typename T>HPX_INLINE_CONSTEXPR_VARIABLE bool hpx::is_sequenced_execution_policy_v=is_sequenced_execution_policy<T>::value
template<typename T>HPX_INLINE_CONSTEXPR_VARIABLE bool hpx::is_async_execution_policy_v=is_async_execution_policy<T>::value
template<typename T>
struct is_async_execution_policy : public hpx::detail::is_async_execution_policy<std::decay<T>::type>
#include <is_execution_policy.hpp>

Extension: Detect whether given execution policy makes algorithms asynchronous

  1. The type is_async_execution_policy can be used to detect asynchronous execution policies for the purpose of excluding function signatures from otherwise ambiguous overload resolution participation.

  2. If T is the type of a standard or implementation-defined execution policy, is_async_execution_policy<T> shall be publicly derived from integral_constant<bool, true>, otherwise from integral_constant<bool, false>.

  3. The behavior of a program that adds specializations for is_async_execution_policy is undefined.

template<typename T>
struct is_execution_policy : public hpx::detail::is_execution_policy<std::decay<T>::type>
#include <is_execution_policy.hpp>

  1. The type is_execution_policy can be used to detect execution policies for the purpose of excluding function signatures from otherwise ambiguous overload resolution participation.

  2. If T is the type of a standard or implementation-defined execution policy, is_execution_policy<T> shall be publicly derived from integral_constant<bool, true>, otherwise from integral_constant<bool, false>.

  3. The behavior of a program that adds specializations for is_execution_policy is undefined.

template<typename T>
struct is_parallel_execution_policy : public hpx::detail::is_parallel_execution_policy<std::decay<T>::type>
#include <is_execution_policy.hpp>

Extension: Detect whether given execution policy enables parallelization

  1. The type is_parallel_execution_policy can be used to detect parallel execution policies for the purpose of excluding function signatures from otherwise ambiguous overload resolution participation.

  2. If T is the type of a standard or implementation-defined execution policy, is_parallel_execution_policy<T> shall be publicly derived from integral_constant<bool, true>, otherwise from integral_constant<bool, false>.

  3. The behavior of a program that adds specializations for is_parallel_execution_policy is undefined.

template<typename T>
struct is_sequenced_execution_policy : public hpx::detail::is_sequenced_execution_policy<std::decay<T>::type>
#include <is_execution_policy.hpp>

Extension: Detect whether given execution policy does not enable parallelization

  1. The type is_sequenced_execution_policy can be used to detect non-parallel execution policies for the purpose of excluding function signatures from otherwise ambiguous overload resolution participation.

  2. If T is the type of a standard or implementation-defined execution policy, is_sequenced_execution_policy<T> shall be publicly derived from integral_constant<bool, true>, otherwise from integral_constant<bool, false>.

  3. The behavior of a program that adds specializations for is_sequenced_execution_policy is undefined.

namespace hpx
namespace parallel
namespace execution


template<typename T>
using is_one_way_executor_t = typename is_one_way_executor<T>::type
template<typename T>
using is_never_blocking_one_way_executor_t = typename is_never_blocking_one_way_executor<T>::type
template<typename T>
using is_bulk_one_way_executor_t = typename is_bulk_one_way_executor<T>::type
template<typename T>
using is_two_way_executor_t = typename is_two_way_executor<T>::type
template<typename T>
using is_bulk_two_way_executor_t = typename is_bulk_two_way_executor<T>::type
namespace traits


template<typename T>
using is_one_way_executor_t = typename is_one_way_executor<T>::type
template<typename T>
using is_never_blocking_one_way_executor_t = typename is_never_blocking_one_way_executor<T>::type
template<typename T>
using is_bulk_one_way_executor_t = typename is_bulk_one_way_executor<T>::type
template<typename T>
using is_two_way_executor_t = typename is_two_way_executor<T>::type
template<typename T>
using is_bulk_two_way_executor_t = typename is_bulk_two_way_executor<T>::type
template<typename T>
using is_executor_any_t = typename is_executor_any<T>::type
template<typename Executor>
struct extract_executor_parameters<Executor, typename hpx::util::always_void<typename Executor::executor_parameters_type>::type>

Public Types

using type = typename Executor::executor_parameters_type
template<typename Parameters>
struct extract_has_variable_chunk_size<Parameters, typename hpx::util::always_void<typename Parameters::has_variable_chunk_size>::type>

Public Types

using type = typename Parameters::has_variable_chunk_size
namespace hpx
namespace parallel
namespace execution


template<typename T>
using is_executor_parameters_t = typename is_executor_parameters<T>::type
template<typename Executor, typename Enable = void>
struct extract_executor_parameters

Public Types

using type = sequential_executor_parameters
template<typename Executor>
struct extract_executor_parameters<Executor, typename hpx::util::always_void<typename Executor::executor_parameters_type>::type>

Public Types

using type = typename Executor::executor_parameters_type
template<typename Parameters, typename Enable = void>
struct extract_has_variable_chunk_size

Public Types

using type = std::false_type
template<typename Parameters>
struct extract_has_variable_chunk_size<Parameters, typename hpx::util::always_void<typename Parameters::has_variable_chunk_size>::type>

Public Types

using type = typename Parameters::has_variable_chunk_size
namespace traits


template<typename T>
using is_executor_parameters_t = typename is_executor_parameters<T>::type
namespace hpx
namespace parallel
namespace traits


std::size_t count_bits(bool value)