.. Copyright (C) 2012 Adrian Serio Copyright (C) 2012 Vinay C Amatya Copyright (C) 2015 Hartmut Kaiser SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) .. _examples_fibonacci: =================================== Asynchronous execution with actions =================================== This example extends the :ref:`previous example ` by introducing :term:`actions`: functions that can be run remotely. In this example, however, we will still only run the action locally. The mechanism to execute :term:`actions` stays the same: :cpp:func:`hpx::async`. Later examples will demonstrate running actions on remote :term:`localities` (e.g. :ref:`examples_hello_world`). Setup ===== The source code for this example can be found here: :download:`fibonacci.cpp <../../examples/quickstart/fibonacci.cpp>`. To compile this program, go to your |hpx| build directory (see :ref:`hpx_build_system` for information on configuring and building |hpx|) and enter: .. code-block:: shell-session $ make examples.quickstart.fibonacci To run the program type: .. code-block:: shell-session $ ./bin/fibonacci This should print (time should be approximate): .. code-block:: text fibonacci(10) == 55 elapsed time: 0.00186288 [s] This run used the default settings, which calculate the tenth element of the Fibonacci sequence. To declare which Fibonacci value you want to calculate, use the ``--n-value`` option. Additionally you can use the :option:`--hpx:threads` option to declare how many OS-threads you wish to use when running the program. For instance, running: .. code-block:: shell-session $ ./bin/fibonacci --n-value 20 --hpx:threads 4 Will yield: .. code-block:: text fibonacci(20) == 6765 elapsed time: 0.233827 [s] Walkthrough =========== The code needed to initialize the |hpx| runtime is the same as in the :ref:`previous example `: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/quickstart/fibonacci.cpp :language: c++ :start-after: //[fib_main :end-before: //] The :cpp:func:`hpx::init` function in ``main()`` starts the runtime system, and invokes ``hpx_main()`` as the first |hpx|-thread. The command line option ``--n-value`` is read in, a timer (:cpp:class:`hpx::chrono::high_resolution_timer`) is set up to record the time it takes to do the computation, the ``fibonacci`` :term:`action` is invoked synchronously, and the answer is printed out. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/quickstart/fibonacci.cpp :language: c++ :start-after: //[fib_hpx_main :end-before: //] Upon a closer look we see that we've created a ``std::uint64_t`` to store the result of invoking our ``fibonacci_action`` ``fib``. This :term:`action` will launch synchronously (as the work done inside of the :term:`action` will be asynchronous itself) and return the result of the Fibonacci sequence. But wait, what is an :term:`action`? And what is this ``fibonacci_action``? For starters, an :term:`action` is a wrapper for a function. By wrapping functions, |hpx| can send packets of work to different processing units. These vehicles allow users to calculate work now, later, or on certain nodes. The first argument to our :term:`action` is the location where the :term:`action` should be run. In this case, we just want to run the :term:`action` on the machine that we are currently on, so we use :cpp:func:`hpx::find_here`. To further understand this we turn to the code to find where ``fibonacci_action`` was defined: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/quickstart/fibonacci.cpp :language: c++ :start-after: //[fib_action :end-before: //] A plain :term:`action` is the most basic form of :term:`action`. Plain :term:`action`\ s wrap simple global functions which are not associated with any particular object (we will discuss other types of :term:`action`\ s in :ref:`examples_accumulator`). In this block of code the function ``fibonacci()`` is declared. After the declaration, the function is wrapped in an :term:`action` in the declaration :c:macro:`HPX_PLAIN_ACTION`. This function takes two arguments: the name of the function that is to be wrapped and the name of the :term:`action` that you are creating. This picture should now start making sense. The function ``fibonacci()`` is wrapped in an :term:`action` ``fibonacci_action``, which was run synchronously but created asynchronous work, then returns a ``std::uint64_t`` representing the result of the function ``fibonacci()``. Now, let's look at the function ``fibonacci()``: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/quickstart/fibonacci.cpp :language: c++ :start-after: //[fib_func :end-before: //] This block of code is much more straightforward and should look familiar from the :ref:`previous example `. First, ``if (n < 2)``, meaning n is 0 or 1, then we return 0 or 1 (recall the first element of the Fibonacci sequence is 0 and the second is 1). If n is larger than 1 we spawn two tasks using :cpp:func:`hpx::async`. Each of these futures represents an asynchronous, recursive call to ``fibonacci``. As previously we wait for both futures to finish computing, get the results, add them together, and return that value as our result. The recursive call tree will continue until n is equal to 0 or 1, at which point the value can be returned because it is implicitly known. When this termination condition is reached, the futures can then be added up, producing the n-th value of the Fibonacci sequence.