.. Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Hartmut Kaiser SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) .. _hpx_1_8_1: =========================== |hpx| V1.8.1 (Jul 29, 2022) =========================== This is a bugfix release with a few minor additions and resolved problems. General changes =============== This patch release adds a number of small new features and fixes a handful of problems discovered since the last release, in particular: - A lot of work has been done to improve vectorization support for our parallel algorithms. HPX now supports using |eve| as a vectorization backend. - Added a simple average power consumption performance counter. - Added performance counters related to the use of zero-copy chunks in the networking layer. - More work was done towards full compatibility with the sender/receivers proposal |p2300|. - Fixing sync_wait to decay the result types - Fixed collective operations to properly avoid overalapping consecutive operations on the same communicator. - Simplified the implementation of our execution policies and added mapping functions between those. - Fixed performance issues with our implementation of `small_vector`. - Serialization now works with buffers of unsigned characters. - Fixing dangling reference in serialization of non-default constructible types - Fixed static linking on Windows. - Fixed support for M1/MacOS based architectures. - Fixed support for gentoo/musl. - Fixed `hpx::counting_semaphore_var`. - Properly check start and end bounds for `hpx::for_loop` - A lot of changes and fixes to the documentation (see https://hpx-docs.stellar-group.org). Breaking changes ================ - No breaking changes have been introduced. Closed issues ============= * :hpx-issue:`5964` - component with multiple inheritance * :hpx-issue:`5946` - dll_dlopen.hpp: error: RTLD_DI_ORIGIN was not declared in this scope with musl libc * :hpx-issue:`5925` - Simplify implementation of execution policies * :hpx-issue:`5924` - {what}: mmap() failed to allocate thread stack: HPX(unhandled_exception) * :hpx-issue:`5912` - collectives all gather hangs if rank 0 is not involved * :hpx-issue:`5902` - MPI parcelport issue on Fugaku * :hpx-issue:`5900` - Unable to build hello_world_distributed.cpp. * :hpx-issue:`5892` - Problems with HPX serialization as a standalone feature. Testcase provided. * :hpx-issue:`5886` - Segfault when serializing non default constructible class with stl containers data members * :hpx-issue:`5832` - Distributed execution crash * :hpx-issue:`5768` - HPX hangs on Perlmutter * :hpx-issue:`5735` - hpx::for_loop executes without checking start and end bounds * :hpx-issue:`5700` - HPX(serialization_error) Closed pull requests ==================== * :hpx-pr:`5970` - Fixing component multiple inheritance * :hpx-pr:`5969` - Fixing sync_wait to avoid dangling references * :hpx-pr:`5963` - Fixing sync_wait to decay the result types * :hpx-pr:`5960` - docs: added name to documentation contributors list * :hpx-pr:`5959` - Fixing sync_wait to decay the result types * :hpx-pr:`5954` - refactor: rename itr to correct type (`reduce`) * :hpx-pr:`5954` - refactor: rename itr to correct type (`reduce`) * :hpx-pr:`5953` - Fixed property handling in hierarchical_spawning * :hpx-pr:`5951` - Fixing static linking (for Windows) * :hpx-pr:`5947` - Fix building on musl. * :hpx-pr:`5944` - added adaptive_static_chunk_size * :hpx-pr:`5943` - Fix sync_wait * :hpx-pr:`5942` - Fix doc warnings * :hpx-pr:`5941` - Fix sync_wait * :hpx-pr:`5940` - Protect collective operations against std::vector idiosyncrasies * :hpx-pr:`5939` - docs: fix & improve parallel algorithms documentation 2 * :hpx-pr:`5938` - Properly implement generation support for collective operations * :hpx-pr:`5937` - Remove leftover files from PMR based small_vector * :hpx-pr:`5936` - Adding mapping functions between execution policies * :hpx-pr:`5935` - Fixing serialization to work with buffers of unsigned chars * :hpx-pr:`5934` - Attempting to fix datapar issues on CircleCI * :hpx-pr:`5933` - Fix documentation for ranges algorithms * :hpx-pr:`5932` - Remove mimalloc version constraint * :hpx-pr:`5931` - docs: fix & improve parallel algorithms documentation * :hpx-pr:`5930` - Add boost to hip builder * :hpx-pr:`5929` - Apply fixes to M1/MacOS related stack allocation to all relevant spots * :hpx-pr:`5928` - updated context_generic_context to accommodate arm64_arch_8/Apple architecture * :hpx-pr:`5927` - Public derivation for counting_semaphore_var * :hpx-pr:`5926` - Fix doxygen warnings when building documentation * :hpx-pr:`5923` - Fixing git checkout to reflect latest version tag * :hpx-pr:`5922` - A couple of unrelated changes in support of implementing P1673 * :hpx-pr:`5920` - [P2300] enhancements: receiver_of, sender_of improvements * :hpx-pr:`5917` - Fixing various 'held lock while suspending' problems * :hpx-pr:`5916` - Fix minor doxygen parsing typo * :hpx-pr:`5915` - docs: fix broken api algo links * :hpx-pr:`5914` - Remove CSS rules - update sphinx version * :hpx-pr:`5911` - Removed references to hpx::vector in comments * :hpx-pr:`5909` - Remove stuff which is defined in the header * :hpx-pr:`5906` - Use BUILD_SHARED_LIBS correctly * :hpx-pr:`5905` - Fix incorrect usage of generator expressions * :hpx-pr:`5904` - Delete FindBZip2.cmake * :hpx-pr:`5901` - Fix #5900 * :hpx-pr:`5899` - Replace PMR based version of small_vector * :hpx-pr:`5897` - Add missing "" * :hpx-pr:`5896` - Docs: Add serialization tutorial. * :hpx-pr:`5895` - Update to V1.9.0 on master * :hpx-pr:`5894` - Fix executor_with_thread_hooks example * :hpx-pr:`5890` - Adding simple average power consumption performance counter * :hpx-pr:`5889` - Par unseq/unseq adding * :hpx-pr:`5888` - Support for data-parallelism for reduce, transform reduce, transform_binary_reduce algorithms * :hpx-pr:`5887` - Fixing dangling reference in serialization of non-default constructible types * :hpx-pr:`5879` - New performance counters related to zero-copy chunks.