
The contents of this module can be included with the header hpx/modules/execution_base.hpp. These headers may be used by user-code but are not guaranteed stable (neither header location nor contents). You are using these at your own risk. If you wish to use non-public functionality from a module we strongly suggest only including the module header hpx/modules/execution_base.hpp, not the particular header in which the functionality you would like to use is defined. See Public API for a list of names that are part of the public HPX API.

Header hpx/execution_base/agent_base.hpp

namespace hpx
namespace execution_base
struct agent_base
#include <agent_base.hpp>

Public Functions

virtual ~agent_base()
virtual std::string description() const = 0
virtual context_base const &context() const = 0
virtual void yield(char const *desc) = 0
virtual void yield_k(std::size_t k, char const *desc) = 0
virtual void suspend(char const *desc) = 0
virtual void resume(char const *desc) = 0
virtual void abort(char const *desc) = 0
virtual void sleep_for(hpx::util::steady_duration const &sleep_duration, char const *desc) = 0
virtual void sleep_until(hpx::util::steady_time_point const &sleep_time, char const *desc) = 0

Header hpx/execution_base/agent_ref.hpp

namespace hpx
namespace execution_base
class agent_ref
#include <agent_ref.hpp>

Public Functions

constexpr agent_ref()
constexpr agent_ref(agent_base *impl)
constexpr agent_ref(agent_ref const&)
constexpr agent_ref &operator=(agent_ref const&)
constexpr agent_ref(agent_ref&&)
constexpr agent_ref &operator=(agent_ref&&)
constexpr operator bool() const
void reset(agent_base *impl = nullptr)
void yield(char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::agent_ref::yield")
void yield_k(std::size_t k, char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::agent_ref::yield_k")
void suspend(char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::agent_ref::suspend")
void resume(char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::agent_ref::resume")
void abort(char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::agent_ref::abort")
template<typename Rep, typename Period>
void sleep_for(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> const &sleep_duration, char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::agent_ref::sleep_for")
template<typename Clock, typename Duration>
void sleep_until(std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> const &sleep_time, char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::agent_ref::sleep_until")
agent_base &ref()

Private Functions

void sleep_for(hpx::util::steady_duration const &sleep_duration, char const *desc)
void sleep_until(hpx::util::steady_time_point const &sleep_time, char const *desc)

Private Members

agent_base *impl_


constexpr bool operator==(agent_ref const &lhs, agent_ref const &rhs)
constexpr bool operator!=(agent_ref const &lhs, agent_ref const &rhs)
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream&, agent_ref const&)

Header hpx/execution_base/context_base.hpp

namespace hpx
namespace execution_base
struct context_base
#include <context_base.hpp>

Public Functions

virtual ~context_base()
virtual resource_base const &resource() const = 0

Header hpx/execution_base/execution.hpp

namespace hpx
namespace parallel
namespace execution
struct parallel_execution_tag
#include <execution.hpp>

Function invocations executed by a group of parallel execution agents execute in unordered fashion. Any such invocations executing in the same thread are indeterminately sequenced with respect to each other.


parallel_execution_tag is weaker than sequenced_execution_tag.

struct sequenced_execution_tag
#include <execution.hpp>

Function invocations executed by a group of sequential execution agents execute in sequential order.

struct unsequenced_execution_tag
#include <execution.hpp>

Function invocations executed by a group of vector execution agents are permitted to execute in unordered fashion when executed in different threads, and un-sequenced with respect to one another when executed in the same thread.


unsequenced_execution_tag is weaker than parallel_execution_tag.

Header hpx/execution_base/register_locks.hpp

namespace hpx
namespace util


constexpr bool register_lock(void const*, util::register_lock_data* = nullptr)
constexpr bool unregister_lock(void const*)
constexpr void verify_no_locks()
constexpr void force_error_on_lock()
constexpr void enable_lock_detection()
constexpr void disable_lock_detection()
constexpr void trace_depth_lock_detection(std::size_t)
constexpr void ignore_lock(void const*)
constexpr void reset_ignored(void const*)
constexpr void ignore_all_locks()
constexpr void reset_ignored_all()
std::unique_ptr<held_locks_data> get_held_locks_data()
constexpr void set_held_locks_data(std::unique_ptr<held_locks_data>&&)
struct ignore_all_while_checking
#include <register_locks.hpp>

Public Functions

template<typename Lock, typename Enable>
struct ignore_while_checking
#include <register_locks.hpp>

Public Functions

ignore_while_checking(void const*)

Header hpx/execution_base/resource_base.hpp

namespace hpx
namespace execution_base
struct resource_base
#include <resource_base.hpp>

TODO: implement, this is currently just a dummy.

Public Functions

virtual ~resource_base()

Header hpx/execution_base/this_thread.hpp

namespace hpx
namespace execution_base
namespace this_thread


hpx::execution_base::agent_ref agent()
void yield(char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::this_thread::yield")
void yield_k(std::size_t k, char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::this_thread::yield_k")
void suspend(char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::this_thread::suspend")
template<typename Rep, typename Period>
void sleep_for(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> const &sleep_duration, char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::this_thread::sleep_for")
template<class Clock, class Duration>
void sleep_until(std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> const &sleep_time, char const *desc = "hpx::execution_base::this_thread::sleep_for")
struct reset_agent
#include <this_thread.hpp>

Public Functions

reset_agent(detail::agent_storage*, agent_base &impl)
reset_agent(agent_base &impl)

Public Members

detail::agent_storage *storage_
agent_base *old_
namespace util


template<typename Predicate>
void yield_while(Predicate &&predicate, const char *thread_name = nullptr, bool allow_timed_suspension = true)