
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx


template<typename Client>
std::vector<Client> find_all_from_basename(std::string base_name, std::size_t num_ids)

Return all registered clients from all localities from the given base name.

This function locates all ids which were registered with the given base name. It returns a list of futures representing those ids.

Return all registered ids from all localities from the given base name.


A list of futures representing the ids which were registered using the given base name.


The futures embedded in the returned client objects will become ready even if the event (for instance, binding the name to an id) has already happened in the past. This is important in order to reliably retrieve ids from a name, even if the name was already registered.

Template Parameters
  • Client: The client type to return

  • base_name: [in] The base name for which to retrieve the registered ids.

  • num_ids: [in] The number of registered ids to expect.

This function locates all ids which were registered with the given base name. It returns a list of futures representing those ids.


A list of futures representing the ids which were registered using the given base name.


The futures will become ready even if the event (for instance, binding the name to an id) has already happened in the past. This is important in order to reliably retrieve ids from a name, even if the name was already registered.

  • base_name: [in] The base name for which to retrieve the registered ids.

  • num_ids: [in] The number of registered ids to expect.

template<typename Client>
std::vector<Client> find_from_basename(std::string base_name, std::vector<std::size_t> const &ids)

Return registered clients from the given base name and sequence numbers.

This function locates the ids which were registered with the given base name and the given sequence numbers. It returns a list of futures representing those ids.

Return registered ids from the given base name and sequence numbers.


A list of futures representing the ids which were registered using the given base name and sequence numbers.


The futures embedded in the returned client objects will become ready even if the event (for instance, binding the name to an id) has already happened in the past. This is important in order to reliably retrieve ids from a name, even if the name was already registered.

Template Parameters
  • Client: The client type to return

  • base_name: [in] The base name for which to retrieve the registered ids.

  • ids: [in] The sequence numbers of the registered ids.

This function locates the ids which were registered with the given base name and the given sequence numbers. It returns a list of futures representing those ids.


A list of futures representing the ids which were registered using the given base name and sequence numbers.


The futures will become ready even if the event (for instance, binding the name to an id) has already happened in the past. This is important in order to reliably retrieve ids from a name, even if the name was already registered.

  • base_name: [in] The base name for which to retrieve the registered ids.

  • ids: [in] The sequence numbers of the registered ids.

template<typename Client>
Client find_from_basename(std::string base_name, std::size_t sequence_nr)

Return registered id from the given base name and sequence number.

This function locates the id which was registered with the given base name and the given sequence number. It returns a future representing those id.

This function locates the id which was registered with the given base name and the given sequence number. It returns a future representing those id.


A representing the id which was registered using the given base name and sequence numbers.


The future embedded in the returned client object will become ready even if the event (for instance, binding the name to an id) has already happened in the past. This is important in order to reliably retrieve ids from a name, even if the name was already registered.

Template Parameters
  • Client: The client type to return

  • base_name: [in] The base name for which to retrieve the registered ids.

  • sequence_nr: [in] The sequence number of the registered id.


A representing the id which was registered using the given base name and sequence numbers.


The future will become ready even if the event (for instance, binding the name to an id) has already happened in the past. This is important in order to reliably retrieve ids from a name, even if the name was already registered.

  • base_name: [in] The base name for which to retrieve the registered ids.

  • sequence_nr: [in] The sequence number of the registered id.

template<typename Client, typename Stub>
hpx::future<bool> register_with_basename(std::string base_name, components::client_base<Client, Stub> &client, std::size_t sequence_nr)

Register the id wrapped in the given client using the given base name.

The function registers the object the given client refers to using the provided base name.


A future representing the result of the registration operation itself.


The operation will fail if the given sequence number is not unique.

Template Parameters
  • Client: The client type to register

  • base_name: [in] The base name for which to retrieve the registered ids.

  • client: [in] The client which should be registered using the given base name.

  • sequence_nr: [in, optional] The sequential number to use for the registration of the id. This number has to be unique system wide for each registration using the same base name. The default is the current locality identifier. Also, the sequence numbers have to be consecutive starting from zero.

template<typename Client>
Client unregister_with_basename(std::string base_name, std::size_t sequence_nr)

Unregister the given id using the given base name.

Unregister the given base name.

The function unregisters the given ids using the provided base name.

The function unregisters the given ids using the provided base name.


A future representing the result of the un-registration operation itself.

Template Parameters
  • Client: The client type to return

  • base_name: [in] The base name for which to retrieve the registered ids.

  • sequence_nr: [in, optional] The sequential number to use for the un-registration. This number has to be the same as has been used with register_with_basename before.


A future representing the result of the un-registration operation itself.

  • base_name: [in] The base name for which to retrieve the registered ids.

  • sequence_nr: [in, optional] The sequential number to use for the un-registration. This number has to be the same as has been used with register_with_basename before.

namespace hpx


hpx::future<bool> register_with_basename(std::string base_name, hpx::id_type id, std::size_t sequence_nr = ~static_cast<std::size_t>(0))

Register the given id using the given base name.

The function registers the given ids using the provided base name.


A future representing the result of the registration operation itself.


The operation will fail if the given sequence number is not unique.

  • base_name: [in] The base name for which to retrieve the registered ids.

  • id: [in] The id to register using the given base name.

  • sequence_nr: [in, optional] The sequential number to use for the registration of the id. This number has to be unique system wide for each registration using the same base name. The default is the current locality identifier. Also, the sequence numbers have to be consecutive starting from zero.

hpx::future<bool> register_with_basename(std::string base_name, hpx::future<hpx::id_type> f, std::size_t sequence_nr = ~static_cast<std::size_t>(0))

Register the id wrapped in the given future using the given base name.

The function registers the object the given future refers to using the provided base name.


A future representing the result of the registration operation itself.


The operation will fail if the given sequence number is not unique.

  • base_name: [in] The base name for which to retrieve the registered ids.

  • f: [in] The future which should be registered using the given base name.

  • sequence_nr: [in, optional] The sequential number to use for the registration of the id. This number has to be unique system wide for each registration using the same base name. The default is the current locality identifier. Also, the sequence numbers have to be consecutive starting from zero.

namespace hpx
namespace components
template<typename Component>
class client : public hpx::components::client_base<client<Component>, Component>

Public Functions

client(hpx::id_type const &id)
client(hpx::id_type &&id)
client(future_type const &f)
client(future_type &&f)
client(future<hpx::id_type> &&f)
client(future<client> &&c)
client(client const &rhs)
client(client &&rhs)
client &operator=(hpx::id_type const &id)
client &operator=(hpx::id_type &&id)
client &operator=(future_type const &f)
client &operator=(future_type &&f)
client &operator=(future<hpx::id_type> &&f)
client &operator=(client const &rhs)
client &operator=(client &&rhs)

Private Types

using base_type = client_base<client<Component>, Component>
using future_type = typename base_type::future_type
namespace hpx
namespace components


template<typename Derived, typename Stub>
bool operator==(client_base<Derived, Stub> const &lhs, client_base<Derived, Stub> const &rhs)
template<typename Derived, typename Stub>
bool operator<(client_base<Derived, Stub> const &lhs, client_base<Derived, Stub> const &rhs)
template<typename Derived, typename Stub>
class client_base : public detail::make_stub::type<Stub>

Public Types

using stub_argument_type = Stub
using server_component_type = typename detail::make_stub::server_component_type
using is_client_tag = void

Public Functions

client_base(id_type const &id)
client_base(id_type &&id)
client_base(hpx::shared_future<id_type> const &f)
client_base(hpx::shared_future<id_type> &&f)
client_base(hpx::future<id_type> &&f)
client_base(client_base const &rhs)
client_base(client_base &&rhs)
client_base(hpx::future<Derived> &&d)
client_base &operator=(id_type const &id)
client_base &operator=(id_type &&id)
client_base &operator=(hpx::shared_future<id_type> const &f)
client_base &operator=(hpx::shared_future<id_type> &&f)
client_base &operator=(hpx::future<id_type> &&f)
client_base &operator=(client_base const &rhs)
client_base &operator=(client_base &&rhs)
bool valid() const
operator bool() const
void free()
id_type const &get_id() const
naming::gid_type const &get_raw_gid() const
hpx::shared_future<id_type> detach()
hpx::shared_future<id_type> share() const
void reset(id_type const &id)
void reset(id_type &&id)
void reset(shared_future<id_type> &&rhs)
id_type const &get() const
bool is_ready() const
bool has_value() const
bool has_exception() const
void wait() const
std::exception_ptr get_exception_ptr() const
template<typename F>
hpx::traits::future_then_result_t<Derived, F> then(launch l, F &&f)
template<typename F>
hpx::traits::future_then_result_t<Derived, F> then(F &&f)
hpx::future<bool> register_as(std::string symbolic_name, bool manage_lifetime = true)
void connect_to(std::string const &symbolic_name)
std::string const &registered_name() const

Protected Types

using stub_type = typename detail::make_stub<Stub>::type
using shared_state_type = lcos::detail::future_data_base<id_type>
using future_type = shared_future<id_type>

Protected Functions

client_base(hpx::intrusive_ptr<shared_state_type> const &state)
client_base(hpx::intrusive_ptr<shared_state_type> &&state)

Protected Attributes

hpx::intrusive_ptr<shared_state_type> shared_state_

Private Static Functions

template<typename F>
static hpx::traits::future_then_result<Derived, F>::cont_result on_ready(hpx::shared_future<id_type> &&fut, F f)
static bool register_as_helper(client_base const &f, std::string symbolic_name, bool manage_lifetime)
namespace serialization


template<typename Archive, typename Derived, typename Stub>
void serialize(Archive &ar, ::hpx::components::client_base<Derived, Stub> &f, unsigned version)
namespace hpx
namespace components
template<typename Executor, typename BaseComponent>
struct executor_component : public BaseComponent

Public Functions

template<typename ...Arg>
executor_component(executor_type const &exec, Arg&&... arg)

Public Static Functions

static void execute(hpx::threads::thread_function_type const &f)
template<typename Executor_ = Executor>
static void schedule_thread(hpx::naming::address::address_type lva, naming::address::component_type, hpx::threads::thread_init_data &data, hpx::threads::thread_schedule_state)

This is the default hook implementation for schedule_thread which forwards to the executor instance associated with this component.

Protected Attributes

executor_type exec_

Private Types

using base_type = BaseComponent
using executor_type = Executor
using this_component_type = typename base_type::this_component_type
namespace hpx


template<typename Component>
hpx::future<std::shared_ptr<Component>> get_ptr(hpx::id_type const &id)

Returns a future referring to the pointer to the underlying memory of a component.

The function hpx::get_ptr can be used to extract a future referring to the pointer to the underlying memory of a given component.


This function returns a future representing the pointer to the underlying memory for the component instance with the given id.


This function will successfully return the requested result only if the given component is currently located on the calling locality. Otherwise the function will raise an error.


The component instance the returned pointer refers to can not be migrated as long as there is at least one copy of the returned shared_ptr alive.

  • id: [in] The global id of the component for which the pointer to the underlying memory should be retrieved.

Template Parameters
  • The: only template parameter has to be the type of the server side component.

template<typename Derived, typename Stub>
hpx::future<std::shared_ptr<typename components::client_base<Derived, Stub>::server_component_type>> get_ptr(components::client_base<Derived, Stub> const &c)

Returns a future referring to the pointer to the underlying memory of a component.

The function hpx::get_ptr can be used to extract a future referring to the pointer to the underlying memory of a given component.


This function returns a future representing the pointer to the underlying memory for the component instance with the given id.


This function will successfully return the requested result only if the given component is currently located on the calling locality. Otherwise the function will raise an error.


The component instance the returned pointer refers to can not be migrated as long as there is at least one copy of the returned shared_ptr alive.

  • c: [in] A client side representation of the component for which the pointer to the underlying memory should be retrieved.

template<typename Component>
std::shared_ptr<Component> get_ptr(launch::sync_policy p, hpx::id_type const &id, error_code &ec = throws)

Returns the pointer to the underlying memory of a component.

The function hpx::get_ptr_sync can be used to extract the pointer to the underlying memory of a given component.


This function returns the pointer to the underlying memory for the component instance with the given id.


This function will successfully return the requested result only if the given component is currently located on the requesting locality. Otherwise the function will raise and error.


The component instance the returned pointer refers to can not be migrated as long as there is at least one copy of the returned shared_ptr alive.


As long as ec is not pre-initialized to hpx::throws this function doesn’t throw but returns the result code using the parameter ec. Otherwise it throws an instance of hpx::exception.

  • p: [in] The parameter p represents a placeholder type to turn make the call synchronous.

  • id: [in] The global id of the component for which the pointer to the underlying memory should be retrieved.

  • ec: [in,out] this represents the error status on exit, if this is pre-initialized to hpx::throws the function will throw on error instead.

Template Parameters
  • The: only template parameter has to be the type of the server side component.

template<typename Derived, typename Stub>
std::shared_ptr<typename components::client_base<Derived, Stub>::server_component_type> get_ptr(launch::sync_policy p, components::client_base<Derived, Stub> const &c, error_code &ec = throws)

Returns the pointer to the underlying memory of a component.

The function hpx::get_ptr_sync can be used to extract the pointer to the underlying memory of a given component.


This function returns the pointer to the underlying memory for the component instance with the given id.


This function will successfully return the requested result only if the given component is currently located on the requesting locality. Otherwise the function will raise and error.


The component instance the returned pointer refers to can not be migrated as long as there is at least one copy of the returned shared_ptr alive.


As long as ec is not pre-initialized to hpx::throws this function doesn’t throw but returns the result code using the parameter ec. Otherwise it throws an instance of hpx::exception.

  • p: [in] The parameter p represents a placeholder type to turn make the call synchronous.

  • c: [in] A client side representation of the component for which the pointer to the underlying memory should be retrieved.

  • ec: [in,out] this represents the error status on exit, if this is pre-initialized to hpx::throws the function will throw on error instead.

namespace hpx
namespace components


template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, Client> make_client(hpx::id_type const &id)
template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, Client> make_client(hpx::id_type &&id)
template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, Client> make_client(hpx::future<hpx::id_type> const &id)
template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, Client> make_client(hpx::future<hpx::id_type> &&id)
template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, Client> make_client(hpx::shared_future<hpx::id_type> const &id)
template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, Client> make_client(hpx::shared_future<hpx::id_type> &&id)
template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, std::vector<Client>> make_clients(std::vector<hpx::id_type> const &ids)
template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, std::vector<Client>> make_clients(std::vector<hpx::id_type> &&ids)
template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, std::vector<Client>> make_clients(std::vector<hpx::future<hpx::id_type>> const &ids)
template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, std::vector<Client>> make_clients(std::vector<hpx::future<hpx::id_type>> &&ids)
template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, std::vector<Client>> make_clients(std::vector<hpx::shared_future<hpx::id_type>> const &ids)
template<typename Client>
std::enable_if_t<traits::is_client_v<Client>, std::vector<Client>> make_clients(std::vector<hpx::shared_future<hpx::id_type>> &&ids)