
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.



This macro is used create and to register a minimal component factory with Hpx.Plugin.

namespace hpx
namespace plugins
template<typename BinaryFilter>
struct binary_filter_factory : public hpx::plugins::binary_filter_factory_base
#include <binary_filter_factory.hpp>

The message_handler_factory provides a minimal implementation of a message handler’s factory. If no additional functionality is required this type can be used to implement the full set of minimally required functions to be exposed by a message handler’s factory instance.

Template Parameters
  • BinaryFilter: The message handler type this factory should be responsible for.

Public Functions

binary_filter_factory(util::section const *global, util::section const *local, bool isenabled)

Construct a new factory instance.


The contents of both sections has to be cloned in order to save the configuration setting for later use.

  • global: [in] The pointer to a hpx::util::section instance referencing the settings read from the [settings] section of the global configuration file (hpx.ini) This pointer may be nullptr if no such section has been found.

  • local: [in] The pointer to a hpx::util::section instance referencing the settings read from the section describing this component type: [hpx.components.<name>], where <name> is the instance name of the component as given in the configuration files.

serialization::binary_filter *create(bool compress, serialization::binary_filter *next_filter = nullptr)

Create a new instance of a message handler

return Returns the newly created instance of the message handler supported by this factory

Protected Attributes

util::section global_settings_
util::section local_settings_
bool isenabled_



This macro is used to register the given component factory with Hpx.Plugin. This macro has to be used for each of the component factories.

namespace hpx
namespace plugins
struct binary_filter_factory_base : public hpx::plugins::plugin_factory_base
#include <binary_filter_factory_base.hpp>

The plugin_factory_base has to be used as a base class for all plugin factories.

Subclassed by hpx::plugins::binary_filter_factory< BinaryFilter >

Public Functions

virtual serialization::binary_filter *create(bool compress, serialization::binary_filter *next_filter = nullptr) = 0

Create a new instance of a binary filter

return Returns the newly created instance of the binary filter supported by this factory

namespace hpx
namespace plugins


std::vector<parcelport_factory_base*> &get_parcelport_factories()
void add_parcelport_factory(parcelport_factory_base *factory)
struct parcelport_factory_base
#include <parcelport_factory_base.hpp>

The plugin_factory_base has to be used as a base class for all plugin factories.

Public Functions

virtual ~parcelport_factory_base()
virtual void get_plugin_info(std::vector<std::string> &fillini) = 0
virtual void init(int *argc, char ***argv, util::command_line_handling &cfg) = 0
virtual parcelset::parcelport *create(hpx::util::runtime_configuration const &cfg, threads::policies::callback_notifier const &notifier) = 0

Create a new instance of a parcelport

return Returns the newly created instance of the parcelport supported by this factory



This macro is used to register the given component factory with Hpx.Plugin. This macro has to be used for each of the component factories.


This macro is used to define the required Hpx.Plugin entry points. This macro has to be used in exactly one compilation unit of a component module.

struct virtual_constructor<hpx::plugins::plugin_factory_base>

Public Types

using type = hpx::util::pack<hpx::util::section const*, hpx::util::section const*, bool>
namespace hpx
namespace plugins
struct plugin_factory_base
#include <plugin_factory_base.hpp>

The plugin_factory_base has to be used as a base class for all plugin factories.

Subclassed by hpx::plugins::binary_filter_factory_base

Public Functions

virtual ~plugin_factory_base()
namespace util
namespace plugin
struct virtual_constructor<hpx::plugins::plugin_factory_base>

Public Types

using type = hpx::util::pack<hpx::util::section const*, hpx::util::section const*, bool>



This macro is used create and to register a minimal plugin registry with Hpx.Plugin.

HPX_REGISTER_PLUGIN_REGISTRY_2(PluginType, pluginname)
HPX_REGISTER_PLUGIN_REGISTRY_4(PluginType, pluginname, pluginsection, pluginsuffix)
HPX_REGISTER_PLUGIN_REGISTRY_5(PluginType, pluginname, pluginstring, pluginsection, pluginsuffix)
namespace hpx
namespace plugins
template<typename Plugin, char const *const Name, char const *const Section, char const *const Suffix>
struct plugin_registry : public plugin_registry_base
#include <plugin_registry.hpp>

The plugin_registry provides a minimal implementation of a plugin’s registry. If no additional functionality is required this type can be used to implement the full set of minimally required functions to be exposed by a plugin’s registry instance.

Template Parameters
  • Plugin: The plugin type this registry should be responsible for.

Public Functions

bool get_plugin_info(std::vector<std::string> &fillini)

Return the ini-information for all contained components.


Returns true if the parameter fillini has been successfully initialized with the registry data of all implemented in this module.

  • fillini: [in] The module is expected to fill this vector with the ini-information (one line per vector element) for all components implemented in this module.
