
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx
namespace execution
namespace experimental


template<typename R, typename ...As>
void set_value(R &&r, As&&... as)#

set_value is a customization point object. The expression hpx::execution::set_value(r, as...) is equivalent to:

  • r.set_value(as...), if that expression is valid. If the function selected does not send the value(s) as... to the Receiver r’s value channel, the program is ill-formed (no diagnostic required).

  • Otherwise, `set_value(r, as…), if that expression is valid, with overload resolution performed in a context that include the declaration void set_value();

  • Otherwise, the expression is ill-formed.

The customization is implemented in terms of hpx::functional::tag_invoke.

template<typename R>
void set_stopped(R &&r)#

set_stopped is a customization point object. The expression hpx::execution::set_stopped(r) is equivalent to:

  • r.set_stopped(), if that expression is valid. If the function selected does not signal the Receiver r’s done channel, the program is ill-formed (no diagnostic required).

  • Otherwise, `set_stopped(r), if that expression is valid, with overload resolution performed in a context that include the declaration void set_stopped();

  • Otherwise, the expression is ill-formed.

The customization is implemented in terms of hpx::functional::tag_invoke.

template<typename R, typename E>
void set_error(R &&r, E &&e)#

set_error is a customization point object. The expression hpx::execution::set_error(r, e) is equivalent to:

  • r.set_stopped(e), if that expression is valid. If the function selected does not send the error e the Receiver r’s error channel, the program is ill-formed (no diagnostic required).

  • Otherwise, `set_error(r, e), if that expression is valid, with overload resolution performed in a context that include the declaration void set_error();

  • Otherwise, the expression is ill-formed.

The customization is implemented in terms of hpx::functional::tag_invoke.


hpx::execution::experimental::set_value_t set_value#
hpx::execution::experimental::set_error_t set_error#
hpx::execution::experimental::set_stopped_t set_stopped#
template<typename T, typename E = std::exception_ptr>
constexpr bool is_receiver_v = is_receiver<T, E>::value#
template<typename T, typename CS>
constexpr bool is_receiver_of_v = is_receiver_of<T, CS>::value#
template<typename T, typename CS>
constexpr bool is_nothrow_receiver_of_v = is_nothrow_receiver_of<T, CS>::value#
template<typename T, typename CS>
struct is_nothrow_receiver_of : public hpx::execution::experimental::detail::is_nothrow_receiver_of_impl<is_receiver_v<T> && is_receiver_of_v<T, CS>, T, CS>#
template<typename T, typename E>
struct is_receiver#
#include <receiver.hpp>

Receiving values from asynchronous computations is handled by the Receiver concept. A Receiver needs to be able to receive an error or be marked as being canceled. As such, the Receiver concept is defined by having the following two customization points defined, which form the completion-signal operations:

  • hpx::execution::experimental::set_stopped

  • hpx::execution::experimental::set_error

Those two functions denote the completion-signal operations. The Receiver contract is as follows:

  • None of a Receiver’s completion-signal operation shall be invoked before hpx::execution::experimental::start has been called on the operation state object that was returned by connecting a Receiver to a sender hpx::execution::experimental::connect.

  • Once hpx::execution::start has been called on the operation state object, exactly one of the Receiver’s completion-signal operation shall complete without an exception before the Receiver is destroyed

Once one of the Receiver’s completion-signal operation has been completed without throwing an exception, the Receiver contract has been satisfied. In other words: The asynchronous operation has been completed.

template<typename T, typename CS>
struct is_receiver_of#
#include <receiver.hpp>

The receiver_of concept is a refinement of the Receiver concept by requiring one additional completion-signal operation:

  • hpx::execution::set_value

The receiver_of concept takes a receiver and an instance of the completion_signatures<> class template. The receiver_of concept, rather than accepting a receiver and some value types, is changed to take a receiver and an instance of the completion_signatures<> class template. A sender uses completion_signatures<> to describe the signals with which it completes. The receiver_of concept ensures that a particular receiver is capable of receiving those signals.

This completion-signal operation adds the following to the Receiver’s contract:

  • If hpx::execution::set_value exits with an exception, it is still valid to call hpx::execution::set_error or hpx::execution::set_stopped

See also


struct set_error_t : public hpx::functional::tag_noexcept<set_error_t>#
struct set_stopped_t : public hpx::functional::tag_noexcept<set_stopped_t>#
struct set_value_t : public hpx::functional::tag<set_value_t>#