
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

template<typename Derived, typename Base>
struct hpx::serialization::base_object_type<Derived, Base, std::true_type>#

Public Functions

inline explicit constexpr base_object_type(Derived &d) noexcept#
template<typename Archive>
inline void save(Archive &ar, unsigned) const#
template<typename Archive>
inline void load(Archive &ar, unsigned)#

Public Members

Derived &d_#
namespace hpx
namespace serialization#


template<typename Base, typename Derived>
constexpr base_object_type<Derived, Base> base_object(Derived &d) noexcept#
template<typename D, typename B>
output_archive &operator<<(output_archive &ar, base_object_type<D, B> t)#
template<typename D, typename B>
input_archive &operator>>(input_archive &ar, base_object_type<D, B> t)#
template<typename D, typename B>
output_archive &operator&(output_archive &ar, base_object_type<D, B> t)#
template<typename D, typename B>
input_archive &operator&(input_archive &ar, base_object_type<D, B> t)#
template<typename Derived, typename Base, typename Enable = typename hpx::traits::is_intrusive_polymorphic<Derived>::type>
struct base_object_type#

Public Functions

inline explicit constexpr base_object_type(Derived &d) noexcept#
template<typename Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned)#

Public Members

Derived &d_#
template<typename Derived, typename Base> true_type >

Public Functions

inline explicit constexpr base_object_type(Derived &d) noexcept#
template<typename Archive>
inline void save(Archive &ar, unsigned) const#
template<typename Archive>
inline void load(Archive &ar, unsigned)#

Public Members

Derived &d_#