
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.


HPX_THROW_EXCEPTION(errcode, f, ...)#

Throw a hpx::exception initialized from the given parameters.

The macro HPX_THROW_EXCEPTION can be used to throw a hpx::exception. The purpose of this macro is to prepend the source file name and line number of the position where the exception is thrown to the error message. Moreover, this associates additional diagnostic information with the exception, such as file name and line number, locality id and thread id, and stack backtrace from the point where the exception was thrown.

The parameter errcode holds the hpx::error code the new exception should encapsulate. The parameter f is expected to hold the name of the function exception is thrown from and the parameter msg holds the error message the new exception should encapsulate.

void raise_exception()
    // Throw a hpx::exception initialized from the given parameters.
    // Additionally associate with this exception some detailed
    // diagnostic information about the throw-site.
    HPX_THROW_EXCEPTION(hpx::no_success, "raise_exception", "simulated error");

HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, errcode, f, ...)#

Either throw a hpx::exception or initialize hpx::error_code from the given parameters.

The macro HPX_THROWS_IF can be used to either throw a hpx::exception or to initialize a hpx::error_code from the given parameters. If &ec == &hpx::throws, the semantics of this macro are equivalent to HPX_THROW_EXCEPTION. If &ec != &hpx::throws, the hpx::error_code instance ec is initialized instead.

The parameter errcode holds the hpx::error code from which the new exception should be initialized. The parameter f is expected to hold the name of the function exception is thrown from and the parameter msg holds the error message the new exception should encapsulate.

namespace hpx