
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx
namespace parallel
namespace execution


using current_executor = parallel::execution::thread_pool_executor#
namespace this_thread#


parallel::execution::current_executor get_executor(error_code &ec = throws)#

Returns a reference to the executor which was used to create the current thread.


If&ec != &throws, never throws, but will set ec to an appropriate value when an error occurs. Otherwise, this function will throw an hpx::exception with an error code of hpx::yield_aborted if it is signaled with wait_aborted. If called outside of a HPX-thread, this function will throw an hpx::exception with an error code of hpx::null_thread_id. If this function is called while the thread-manager is not running, it will throw an hpx::exception with an error code of hpx::invalid_status.

namespace threads


parallel::execution::current_executor get_executor(thread_id_type const &id, error_code &ec = throws)#

Returns a reference to the executor which was used to create the given thread.


If&ec != &throws, never throws, but will set ec to an appropriate value when an error occurs. Otherwise, this function will throw an hpx::exception with an error code of hpx::yield_aborted if it is signaled with wait_aborted. If called outside of a HPX-thread, this function will throw an hpx::exception with an error code of hpx::null_thread_id. If this function is called while the thread-manager is not running, it will throw an hpx::exception with an error code of hpx::invalid_status.