See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.
namespace hpx
namespace util
template<typename F, typename Tuple>
constexpr detail::invoke_fused_result<F, Tuple>::type invoke_fused(F &&f, Tuple &&t) noexcept(noexcept(detail::invoke_fused_impl(detail::fused_index_pack_t<Tuple>{}, HPX_FORWARD(F, f), HPX_FORWARD(Tuple, t))))# Invokes the given callable object f with the content of the sequenced type t (tuples, pairs)
This function is similar to
(C++17)- Parameters
f – Must be a callable object. If f is a member function pointer, the first argument in the sequenced type will be treated as the callee (this object).
t – A type whose contents are accessible through a call to hpx::get.
- Throws
std::exception – like objects thrown by call to object f with the arguments contained in the sequenceable type t.
- Returns
The result of the callable object when it’s called with the content of the given sequenced type.
template<typename R, typename F, typename Tuple>
constexpr R invoke_fused_r(F &&f, Tuple &&t) noexcept(noexcept(detail::invoke_fused_impl(detail::fused_index_pack_t<Tuple>{}, HPX_FORWARD(F, f), HPX_FORWARD(Tuple, t))))# - Template Parameters
R – The result type of the function when it’s called with the content of the given sequenced type.
template<typename F, typename Tuple>
namespace util