See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.
namespace hpx
namespace parcelset#
using parcel_write_handler_type = hpx::function<void(std::error_code const&, parcelset::parcel const&)>#
The type of a function that can be registered as a parcel write handler using the function hpx::set_parcel_write_handler.
A parcel write handler is a function which is called by the parcel layer whenever a parcel has been sent by the underlying networking library and if no explicit parcel handler function was specified for the parcel.
enum parcelport_background_mode#
Type of background work to perform.
enumerator parcelport_background_mode_flush_buffers#
perform buffer flush operations
enumerator parcelport_background_mode_send#
perform send operations (includes buffer flush)
enumerator parcelport_background_mode_receive#
perform receive operations
enumerator parcelport_background_mode_all#
perform all operations
enumerator parcelport_background_mode_flush_buffers#
using parcel_write_handler_type = hpx::function<void(std::error_code const&, parcelset::parcel const&)>#
namespace parcelset#