Defined in header hpx/components_base/agas_interface.hpp.
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.
namespace hpx
namespace agas
bool is_console()#
bool register_name(launch::sync_policy, std::string const &name, naming::gid_type const &gid, error_code &ec = throws)#
bool register_name(launch::sync_policy, std::string const &name, hpx::id_type const &id, error_code &ec = throws)#
hpx::id_type unregister_name(launch::sync_policy, std::string const &name, error_code &ec = throws)#
hpx::future<std::uint32_t> get_num_localities(naming::component_type type = naming::component_invalid)#
std::uint32_t get_num_localities(launch::sync_policy, naming::component_type type, error_code &ec = throws)#
inline std::uint32_t get_num_localities(launch::sync_policy, error_code &ec = throws)#
std::string get_component_type_name(naming::component_type type, error_code &ec = throws)#
std::uint32_t get_num_overall_threads(launch::sync_policy, error_code &ec = throws)#
std::uint32_t get_locality_id(error_code &ec = throws)#
std::vector<std::uint32_t> get_all_locality_ids(naming::component_type type, error_code &ec = throws)#
inline std::vector<std::uint32_t> get_all_locality_ids(error_code &ec = throws)#
bool is_local_address_cached(naming::gid_type const &gid, error_code &ec = throws)#
bool is_local_address_cached(naming::gid_type const &gid, naming::address &addr, error_code &ec = throws)#
bool is_local_address_cached(naming::gid_type const &gid, naming::address &addr, std::pair<bool, components::pinned_ptr> &r, hpx::move_only_function<std::pair<bool, components::pinned_ptr>(naming::address const&)> &&f, error_code &ec = throws)#
inline bool is_local_address_cached(hpx::id_type const &id, error_code &ec = throws)#
inline bool is_local_address_cached(hpx::id_type const &id, naming::address &addr, error_code &ec = throws)#
inline bool is_local_address_cached(hpx::id_type const &id, naming::address &addr, std::pair<bool, components::pinned_ptr> &r, hpx::move_only_function<std::pair<bool, components::pinned_ptr>(naming::address const&)> &&f, error_code &ec = throws)#
void update_cache_entry(naming::gid_type const &gid, naming::address const &addr, std::uint64_t count = 0, std::uint64_t offset = 0, error_code &ec = throws)#
bool resolve_local(naming::gid_type const &gid, naming::address &addr, error_code &ec = throws)#
hpx::future<bool> bind(naming::gid_type const &gid, naming::address const &addr, std::uint32_t locality_id)#
bool bind(launch::sync_policy, naming::gid_type const &gid, naming::address const &addr, std::uint32_t locality_id, error_code &ec = throws)#
hpx::future<bool> bind(naming::gid_type const &gid, naming::address const &addr, naming::gid_type const &locality_)#
bool bind(launch::sync_policy, naming::gid_type const &gid, naming::address const &addr, naming::gid_type const &locality_, error_code &ec = throws)#
naming::address unbind(launch::sync_policy, naming::gid_type const &gid, std::uint64_t count = 1, error_code &ec = throws)#
bool bind_gid_local(naming::gid_type const &gid, naming::address const &addr, error_code &ec = throws)#
void unbind_gid_local(naming::gid_type const &gid, error_code &ec = throws)#
bool bind_range_local(naming::gid_type const &gid, std::size_t count, naming::address const &addr, std::size_t offset, error_code &ec = throws)#
void unbind_range_local(naming::gid_type const &gid, std::size_t count, error_code &ec = throws)#
void garbage_collect_non_blocking(error_code &ec = throws)#
void garbage_collect(error_code &ec = throws)#
void garbage_collect_non_blocking(hpx::id_type const &id, error_code &ec = throws)#
Invoke an asynchronous garbage collection step on the given target locality.
void garbage_collect(hpx::id_type const &id, error_code &ec = throws)#
Invoke a synchronous garbage collection step on the given target locality.
hpx::id_type get_console_locality(error_code &ec = throws)#
Return an id_type referring to the console locality.
naming::gid_type get_next_id(std::size_t count, error_code &ec = throws)#
void decref(naming::gid_type const &id, std::int64_t credits, error_code &ec = throws)#
hpx::future_or_value<std::int64_t> incref(naming::gid_type const &gid, std::int64_t credits, hpx::id_type const &keep_alive = hpx::invalid_id)#
std::int64_t incref(launch::sync_policy, naming::gid_type const &gid, std::int64_t credits = 1, hpx::id_type const &keep_alive = hpx::invalid_id, error_code &ec = throws)#
hpx::id_type get_colocation_id(launch::sync_policy, hpx::id_type const &id, error_code &ec = throws)#
hpx::future<hpx::id_type> on_symbol_namespace_event(std::string const &name, bool call_for_past_events)#
hpx::future<void> mark_as_migrated(naming::gid_type const &gid, hpx::move_only_function<std::pair<bool, hpx::future<void>>()> &&f, bool expect_to_be_marked_as_migrating)#
std::pair<bool, components::pinned_ptr> was_object_migrated(naming::gid_type const &gid, hpx::move_only_function<components::pinned_ptr()> &&f)#
void unmark_as_migrated(naming::gid_type const &gid, hpx::move_only_function<void()> &&f)#
std::map<std::string, hpx::id_type> find_symbols(hpx::launch::sync_policy, std::string const &pattern = "*")#
naming::component_type register_factory(std::uint32_t prefix, std::string const &name, error_code &ec = throws)#
naming::component_type get_component_id(std::string const &name, error_code &ec = throws)#
struct agas_interface_functions &agas_init()#
bool is_console()#
namespace agas