
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx
namespace execution
namespace experimental


hpx::execution::experimental::start_detached_t start_detached
struct start_detached_t : public hpx::functional::detail::tag_priority<start_detached_t>


template<typename Sender, typename Allocator = hpx::util::internal_allocator<>>
friend constexpr auto tag_override_invoke(start_detached_t, Sender &&sender, Allocator const &allocator = Allocator{})
template<typename Sender, typename Allocator = hpx::util::internal_allocator<>>
friend constexpr void tag_fallback_invoke(start_detached_t, Sender &&sender, Allocator const &allocator = Allocator{})
template<typename Allocator = hpx::util::internal_allocator<>>
friend constexpr auto tag_fallback_invoke(start_detached_t, Allocator const &allocator = Allocator{})