
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.


namespace hpx


enum state


invalid = -1
initialized = 0
pre_startup = 1
startup = 2
pre_main = 3
starting = 4
running = 5
suspended = 6
pre_sleep = 7
sleeping = 8
pre_shutdown = 9
shutdown = 10
stopping = 11
terminating = 12
stopped = 13
first_valid_runtime_state = initialized
last_valid_runtime_state = stopped


constexpr bool operator<(state lhs, state rhs)
constexpr bool operator<=(state lhs, state rhs)
constexpr bool operator>(state lhs, state rhs)
constexpr bool operator>=(state lhs, state rhs)


constexpr state state_invalid = state::invalid
constexpr state state_initialized = state::initialized
constexpr state state_pre_startup = state::pre_startup
constexpr state state_startup = state::startup
constexpr state state_pre_main = state::pre_main
constexpr state state_starting = state::starting
constexpr state state_running = state::running
constexpr state state_suspended = state::suspended
constexpr state state_pre_sleep = state::pre_sleep
constexpr state state_sleeping = state::sleeping
constexpr state state_pre_shutdown = state::pre_shutdown
constexpr state state_shutdown = state::shutdown
constexpr state state_stopping = state::stopping
constexpr state state_terminating = state::terminating
constexpr state state_stopped = state::stopped
constexpr state first_valid_runtime_state = state::first_valid_runtime_state
constexpr state state_last_valid_runtime_state = state::last_valid_runtime_state