
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx
namespace threads
namespace policies


using default_local_priority_queue_scheduler_terminated_queue = lockfree_fifo
template<typename Mutex = std::mutex, typename PendingQueuing = lockfree_fifo, typename StagedQueuing = lockfree_fifo, typename TerminatedQueuing = default_local_priority_queue_scheduler_terminated_queue>
class local_priority_queue_scheduler : public scheduler_base
#include <local_priority_queue_scheduler.hpp>

The local_priority_queue_scheduler maintains exactly one queue of work items (threads) per OS thread, where this OS thread pulls its next work from. Additionally it maintains separate queues: several for high priority threads and one for low priority threads. High priority threads are executed by the first N OS threads before any other work is executed. Low priority threads are executed by the last OS thread whenever no other work is available.

Public Types

typedef std::false_type has_periodic_maintenance
typedef thread_queue<Mutex, PendingQueuing, StagedQueuing, TerminatedQueuing> thread_queue_type
typedef init_parameter init_parameter_type

Public Functions

local_priority_queue_scheduler(init_parameter_type const &init, bool deferred_initialization = true)
void abort_all_suspended_threads()
bool cleanup_terminated(bool delete_all)
bool cleanup_terminated(std::size_t num_thread, bool delete_all)
void create_thread(thread_init_data &data, thread_id_ref_type *id, error_code &ec)
bool get_next_thread(std::size_t num_thread, bool running, threads::thread_id_ref_type &thrd, bool enable_stealing)
void schedule_thread(threads::thread_id_ref_type thrd, threads::thread_schedule_hint schedulehint, bool allow_fallback = false, thread_priority priority = thread_priority::normal)

Schedule the passed thread.

void schedule_thread_last(threads::thread_id_ref_type thrd, threads::thread_schedule_hint schedulehint, bool allow_fallback = false, thread_priority priority = thread_priority::normal)
void destroy_thread(threads::thread_data *thrd)

Destroy the passed thread as it has been terminated.

std::int64_t get_queue_length(std::size_t num_thread = std::size_t(-1)) const
std::int64_t get_thread_count(thread_schedule_state state = thread_schedule_state::unknown, thread_priority priority = thread_priority::default_, std::size_t num_thread = std::size_t(-1), bool = false) const
bool is_core_idle(std::size_t num_thread) const
bool enumerate_threads(hpx::function<bool(thread_id_type)> const &f, thread_schedule_state state = thread_schedule_state::unknown, ) const
bool wait_or_add_new(std::size_t num_thread, bool running, std::int64_t &idle_loop_count, bool enable_stealing, std::size_t &added)

This is a function which gets called periodically by the thread manager to allow for maintenance tasks to be executed in the scheduler. Returns true if the OS thread calling this function has to be terminated (i.e. no more work has to be done).

void on_start_thread(std::size_t num_thread)
void on_stop_thread(std::size_t num_thread)
void on_error(std::size_t num_thread, std::exception_ptr const &e)
void reset_thread_distribution()

Public Static Functions

static std::string get_scheduler_name()

Protected Attributes

std::atomic<std::size_t> curr_queue_
detail::affinity_data const &affinity_data_
const std::size_t num_queues_
const std::size_t num_high_priority_queues_
thread_queue_type low_priority_queue_
std::vector<util::cache_line_data<thread_queue_type*>> queues_
std::vector<util::cache_line_data<thread_queue_type*>> high_priority_queues_
std::vector<util::cache_line_data<std::vector<std::size_t>>> victim_threads_
struct init_parameter

Public Functions

init_parameter(std::size_t num_queues, detail::affinity_data const &affinity_data, std::size_t num_high_priority_queues = std::size_t(-1), thread_queue_init_parameters thread_queue_init = {}, char const *description = "local_priority_queue_scheduler")
init_parameter(std::size_t num_queues, detail::affinity_data const &affinity_data, char const *description)

Public Members

std::size_t num_queues_
std::size_t num_high_priority_queues_
thread_queue_init_parameters thread_queue_init_
detail::affinity_data const &affinity_data_
char const *description_