
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx
namespace performance_counters
struct performance_counter_base

Subclassed by hpx::performance_counters::server::base_performance_counter

Public Functions

virtual ~performance_counter_base()

Destructor, needs to be virtual to allow for clean destruction of derived objects

virtual counter_info get_counter_info() const = 0
virtual counter_value get_counter_value(bool reset = false) = 0
virtual counter_values_array get_counter_values_array(bool reset = false) = 0
virtual void reset_counter_value() = 0
virtual void set_counter_value(counter_value const&) = 0
virtual bool start() = 0
virtual bool stop() = 0
virtual void reinit(bool reset) = 0