
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx
namespace execution
namespace experimental


template<typename S, typename R>
using connect_result_t = hpx::util::invoke_result_t<connect_t, S, R>


template<typename S, typename R>
void connect(S &&s, R &&r)

connect is a customization point object. For some subexpression s and r, let S be the type such that decltype((s)) is S and let R be the type such that decltype((r)) is R. The result of the expression hpx::execution::experimental::connect(s, r) is then equivalent to:

  • s.connect(r), if that expression is valid and returns a type satisfying the operation_state (


    hpx::execution::experimental::traits::is_operation_state) and if S satisfies the sender concept.

  • s.connect(r), if that expression is valid and returns a type satisfying the operation_state (


    hpx::execution::experimental::traits::is_operation_state) and if S satisfies the sender concept. Overload resolution is performed in a context that include the declaration void connect();

  • Otherwise, the expression is ill-formed.

The customization is implemented in terms of hpx::functional::tag_invoke.


hpx::execution::experimental::connect_t connect
hpx::execution::experimental::schedule_t schedule
template<typename Scheduler>
constexpr bool is_scheduler_v = is_scheduler<Scheduler>::value
struct connect_t : public hpx::functional::tag<connect_t>
#include <sender.hpp>

The name schedule denotes a customization point object. For some subexpression s, let S be decltype((s)). The expression schedule(s) is expression-equivalent to:

* s.schedule(), if that expression is valid and its type models
* Otherwise, schedule(s), if that expression is valid and its type
  models sender with overload resolution performed in a context that
  includes the declaration

      void schedule();

  and that does not include a declaration of schedule.

 * Otherwise, schedule(s) is ill-formed.

The customization is implemented in terms of hpx::functional::tag_invoke.