
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx
namespace performance_counters


bool default_counter_discoverer(counter_info const&, discover_counter_func const&, discover_counters_mode, error_code&)

Default discovery function for performance counters; to be registered with the counter types. It will pass the counter_info and the error_code to the supplied function.

bool locality_counter_discoverer(counter_info const&, discover_counter_func const&, discover_counters_mode, error_code&)

Default discoverer function for performance counters; to be registered with the counter types. It is suitable to be used for all counters following the naming scheme:


bool locality_pool_counter_discoverer(counter_info const&, discover_counter_func const&, discover_counters_mode, error_code&)

Default discoverer function for performance counters; to be registered with the counter types. It is suitable to be used for all counters following the naming scheme:


bool locality0_counter_discoverer(counter_info const&, discover_counter_func const&, discover_counters_mode, error_code&)

Default discoverer function for AGAS performance counters; to be registered with the counter types. It is suitable to be used for all counters following the naming scheme:


bool locality_thread_counter_discoverer(counter_info const&, discover_counter_func const&, discover_counters_mode, error_code&)

Default discoverer function for performance counters; to be registered with the counter types. It is suitable to be used for all counters following the naming scheme:


bool locality_pool_thread_counter_discoverer(counter_info const &info, discover_counter_func const &f, discover_counters_mode mode, error_code &ec)

Default discoverer function for performance counters; to be registered with the counter types. It is suitable to be used for all counters following the naming scheme:


bool locality_pool_thread_no_total_counter_discoverer(counter_info const &info, discover_counter_func const &f, discover_counters_mode mode, error_code &ec)

Default discoverer function for performance counters; to be registered with the counter types. It is suitable to be used for all counters following the naming scheme:


This is essentially the same as above just that locality#*/total is not supported.

bool locality_numa_counter_discoverer(counter_info const&, discover_counter_func const&, discover_counters_mode, error_code&)

Default discoverer function for performance counters; to be registered with the counter types. It is suitable to be used for all counters following the naming scheme:


naming::gid_type locality_raw_counter_creator(counter_info const&, hpx::function<std::int64_t(bool)> const&, error_code&, )

Creation function for raw counters. The passed function is encapsulating the actual value to monitor. This function checks the validity of the supplied counter name, it has to follow the scheme:


naming::gid_type locality_raw_values_counter_creator(counter_info const&, hpx::function<std::vector<std::int64_t>(bool)> const&, error_code&, )
naming::gid_type agas_raw_counter_creator(counter_info const&, error_code&, char const*const)

Creation function for raw counters. The passed function is encapsulating the actual value to monitor. This function checks the validity of the supplied counter name, it has to follow the scheme:


bool agas_counter_discoverer(counter_info const&, discover_counter_func const&, discover_counters_mode, error_code&)

Default discoverer function for performance counters; to be registered with the counter types. It is suitable to be used for all counters following the naming scheme:


naming::gid_type local_action_invocation_counter_creator(counter_info const&, error_code&)
bool local_action_invocation_counter_discoverer(counter_info const&, discover_counter_func const&, discover_counters_mode, error_code&)