
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx
namespace util
namespace logging


enum level

Handling levels - classes that can hold and/or deal with levels.

  • filters and level holders

By default we have these levels:

- debug (smallest level),
- info,
- warning ,
- error ,
- fatal (highest level)

Depending on which level is enabled for your application, some messages will reach the log: those messages having at least that level. For instance, if info level is enabled, all logged messages will reach the log. If warning level is enabled, all messages are logged, but the warnings. If debug level is enabled, messages that have levels debug, error, fatal will be logged.


disable_all = static_cast<unsigned int>(-1)
enable_all = 0
debug = 1000
info = 2000
warning = 3000
error = 4000
fatal = 5000
always = 6000


void format_value(std::ostream &os, boost::string_ref spec, level value)