
This section contains commonly encountered problems when compiling or using HPX.

See also the closed issues on GitHub to find out how other people resolved a similar problem. If nothing of that works, you can also open a new issue on GitHub or contact us using one the options found in Support for deploying and using HPX.

Undefined reference to hpx::cout

You may see a linker error message that looks a bit like this:

hello_world.cpp:(.text+0x5aa): undefined reference to `hpx::cout'

This usually happens if you are trying to use HPX iostreams functionality such as hpx::cout but are not linking against it. The iostreams functionality is not part of the core HPX library, and must be linked to explicitly. Typically this can be solved by adding COMPONENT_DEPENDENCIES iostreams to a call to add_hpx_library/add_hpx_executable/hpx_setup_target if using CMake. See Creating HPX projects for more details.

Fail compiling for examples with hpx::future and co_await

You may see an error message that looks a bit like this:

error: coroutines require a traits template; cannot find 'std::coroutine_traits'

This can be resolved by using -DHPX_WITH_CXX_STANDARD=20 to the cmake command line. Note that a compiler that supports C++20 is needed.

See also the corresponding closed Issue #5784.

Build fails with ASIO error

You may see an error message that looks a bit like this:

Cannot open include file asio/io_context.hpp

This can be resolved by using -DHPX_WITH_FETCH_ASIO=ON to the cmake command line.

See also the corresponding closed Issue #5404 for more information.