
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx
namespace agas


std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, gva const &addr)
struct gva

Public Types

using component_type = std::int32_t
using lva_type = void*

Public Functions

constexpr gva()
constexpr gva(naming::gid_type const &p, component_type t = components::component_invalid, std::uint64_t c = 1, lva_type a = nullptr, std::uint64_t o = 0)
gva(naming::gid_type const &p, component_type t, std::uint64_t c, std::uint64_t l, std::uint64_t o = 0)
constexpr gva(lva_type a)
gva &operator=(lva_type a)
constexpr bool operator==(gva const &rhs) const
constexpr bool operator!=(gva const &rhs) const
void lva(lva_type a)
constexpr lva_type lva() const
lva_type lva(naming::gid_type const &gid, naming::gid_type const &gidbase) const
gva resolve(naming::gid_type const &gid, naming::gid_type const &gidbase) const

Public Members

naming::gid_type prefix
component_type type = components::component_invalid
std::uint64_t count = 0
std::uint64_t offset = 0

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void save(Archive &ar, const unsigned int) const
template<typename Archive>
void load(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)

Private Members

lva_type lva_ = nullptr


friend hpx::agas::hpx::serialization::access