Defined in header hpx/coroutines/thread_id_type.hpp.
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.
struct std::hash<::hpx::threads::thread_id_ref># Public Functions
inline std::size_t operator()(::hpx::threads::thread_id_ref const &v) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t operator()(::hpx::threads::thread_id_ref const &v) const noexcept#
namespace hpx
namespace threads
struct thread_id#
Public Functions
constexpr thread_id() noexcept = default#
~thread_id() = default#
inline explicit constexpr thread_id(thread_id_repr thrd) noexcept#
inline constexpr thread_id &operator=(thread_id_repr rhs) noexcept#
inline explicit constexpr operator bool() const noexcept#
inline constexpr thread_id_repr get() const noexcept#
inline constexpr void reset() noexcept#
Private Types
using thread_id_repr = void*#
Private Members
thread_id_repr thrd_ = nullptr#
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator== (std::nullptr_t, thread_id const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator!= (std::nullptr_t, thread_id const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator== (thread_id const &lhs, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator!= (thread_id const &lhs, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator== (thread_id const &lhs, thread_id const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator!= (thread_id const &lhs, thread_id const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator< (thread_id const &lhs, thread_id const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator> (thread_id const &lhs, thread_id const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator<= (thread_id const &lhs, thread_id const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator>= (thread_id const &lhs, thread_id const &rhs) noexcept
constexpr thread_id() noexcept = default#
struct thread_id_ref#
Public Types
using thread_repr = detail::thread_data_reference_counting#
Public Functions
thread_id_ref() noexcept = default#
thread_id_ref(thread_id_ref const&) = default#
thread_id_ref &operator=(thread_id_ref const&) = default#
thread_id_ref(thread_id_ref &&rhs) noexcept = default#
thread_id_ref &operator=(thread_id_ref &&rhs) noexcept = default#
~thread_id_ref() = default#
inline explicit thread_id_ref(thread_id_repr const &thrd) noexcept#
inline explicit thread_id_ref(thread_id_repr &&thrd) noexcept#
inline thread_id_ref &operator=(thread_id_repr const &rhs) noexcept#
inline thread_id_ref &operator=(thread_id_repr &&rhs) noexcept#
inline explicit thread_id_ref(thread_repr *thrd, thread_id_addref addref = thread_id_addref::yes) noexcept#
inline thread_id_ref &operator=(thread_repr *rhs) noexcept#
inline thread_id_ref &operator=(thread_id const &noref)#
inline thread_id_ref &operator=(thread_id &&noref) noexcept#
inline explicit constexpr operator bool() const noexcept#
inline constexpr thread_id_repr &get() & noexcept#
inline thread_id_repr &&get() && noexcept#
inline constexpr thread_id_repr const &get() const & noexcept#
inline void reset() noexcept#
inline void reset(thread_repr *thrd, bool add_ref = true) noexcept#
inline constexpr thread_repr *detach() noexcept#
Private Members
thread_id_repr thrd_#
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator== (std::nullptr_t, thread_id_ref const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator!= (std::nullptr_t, thread_id_ref const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator== (thread_id_ref const &lhs, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator!= (thread_id_ref const &lhs, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator== (thread_id_ref const &lhs, thread_id_ref const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator!= (thread_id_ref const &lhs, thread_id_ref const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator< (thread_id_ref const &lhs, thread_id_ref const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator> (thread_id_ref const &lhs, thread_id_ref const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator<= (thread_id_ref const &lhs, thread_id_ref const &rhs) noexcept
- inline friend constexpr friend bool operator>= (thread_id_ref const &lhs, thread_id_ref const &rhs) noexcept
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, thread_id_ref const &id)#
friend void format_value(std::ostream &os, std::string_view spec, thread_id_ref const &id)#
using thread_repr = detail::thread_data_reference_counting#
struct thread_id#
namespace threads