Defined in header hpx/collectives/broadcast.hpp.
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.
namespace hpx
Top level HPX namespace.
namespace collectives
Top level HPX namespace.
template<typename T>
hpx::future<T> broadcast_to(char const *basename, T &&local_result, num_sites_arg num_sites = num_sites_arg(), this_site_arg this_site = this_site_arg(), generation_arg generation = generation_arg())# Broadcast a value to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
- Parameters
basename – The base name identifying the broadcast operation
local_result – A value to transmit to all participating sites from this call site.
num_sites – The number of participating sites (default: all localities).
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
- Returns
This function returns a future holding the value that was sent to all participating sites. It will become ready once the broadcast operation has been completed.
template<typename T>
hpx::future<T> broadcast_to(communicator comm, T &&local_result, this_site_arg this_site = this_site_arg(), generation_arg generation = generation_arg())# Broadcast a value to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
The generation values from corresponding broadcast_to and broadcast_from have to match.
- Parameters
comm – A communicator object returned from create_communicator
local_result – A value to transmit to all participating sites from this call site.
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
- Returns
This function returns a future holding the value that was sent to all participating sites. It will become ready once the broadcast operation has been completed.
template<typename T>
hpx::future<T> broadcast_to(communicator comm, generation_arg generation, T &&local_result, this_site_arg this_site = this_site_arg())# Broadcast a value to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
The generation values from corresponding broadcast_to and broadcast_from have to match.
- Parameters
comm – A communicator object returned from create_communicator
local_result – A value to transmit to all participating sites from this call site.
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
- Returns
This function returns a future holding the value that was sent to all participating sites. It will become ready once the broadcast operation has been completed.
template<typename T>
hpx::future<T> broadcast_from(char const *basename, this_site_arg this_site = this_site_arg(), generation_arg generation = generation_arg(), root_site_arg root_site = root_site_arg())# Receive a value that was broadcast to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
- Parameters
basename – The base name identifying the broadcast operation
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
root_site – The site responsible for broadcasting the value. This is optional and defaults to site
- Returns
This function returns a future holding the value that was sent to all participating sites. It will become ready once the broadcast operation has been completed.
template<typename T>
hpx::future<T> broadcast_from(communicator comm, this_site_arg this_site = this_site_arg(), generation_arg generation = generation_arg())# Receive a value that was broadcast to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
Receive a value that was broadcast to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
The generation values from corresponding broadcast_to and broadcast_from have to match.
The generation values from corresponding broadcast_to and broadcast_from have to match.
- Parameters
comm – A communicator object returned from create_communicator
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
comm – A communicator object returned from create_communicator
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
- Returns
This function returns a future holding the value that was sent to all participating sites. It will become ready once the broadcast operation has been completed.
- Returns
This function returns a future holding the value that was sent to all participating sites. It will become ready once the broadcast operation has been completed.
template<typename T>
decltype(auto) broadcast_to(hpx::launch::sync_policy, char const *basename, T &&local_result, num_sites_arg num_sites = num_sites_arg(), this_site_arg this_site = this_site_arg(), generation_arg generation = generation_arg())# Broadcast a value to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
- Parameters
policy – The execution policy specifying synchronous execution.
basename – The base name identifying the broadcast operation
local_result – A value to transmit to all participating sites from this call site.
num_sites – The number of participating sites (default: all localities).
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
- Returns
This function returns a vector with all values send by all participating sites. This function executes synchronously and directly returns the result.
template<typename T>
decltype(auto) broadcast_to(hpx::launch::sync_policy, communicator comm, T &&local_result, this_site_arg this_site = this_site_arg(), generation_arg generation = generation_arg())# Broadcast a value to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
Broadcast a value to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
The generation values from corresponding broadcast_to and broadcast_from have to match.
The generation values from corresponding broadcast_to and broadcast_from have to match.
- Parameters
policy – The execution policy specifying synchronous execution.
comm – A communicator object returned from create_communicator
local_result – A value to transmit to all participating sites from this call site.
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
policy – The execution policy specifying synchronous execution.
comm – A communicator object returned from create_communicator
local_result – A value to transmit to all participating sites from this call site.
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
- Returns
This function returns a vector with all values send by all participating sites. This function executes synchronously and directly returns the result.
- Returns
This function returns a vector with all values send by all participating sites. This function executes synchronously and directly returns the result.
template<typename T>
T broadcast_from(hpx::launch::sync_policy, char const *basename, this_site_arg this_site = this_site_arg(), generation_arg generation = generation_arg(), root_site_arg root_site = root_site_arg())# Receive a value that was broadcast to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
- Parameters
policy – The execution policy specifying synchronous execution.
basename – The base name identifying the broadcast operation
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
root_site – The site responsible for broadcasting the value. This is optional and defaults to site
- Returns
This function returns a vector with all values send by all participating sites. This function executes synchronously and directly returns the result.
template<typename T>
T broadcast_from(hpx::launch::sync_policy, communicator comm, this_site_arg this_site = this_site_arg(), generation_arg generation = generation_arg())# Receive a value that was broadcast to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
Receive a value that was broadcast to different call sites
This function sends a set of values to all call sites operating on the given base name.
The generation values from corresponding broadcast_to and broadcast_from have to match.
The generation values from corresponding broadcast_to and broadcast_from have to match.
- Parameters
policy – The execution policy specifying synchronous execution.
comm – A communicator object returned from create_communicator
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
policy – The execution policy specifying synchronous execution.
comm – A communicator object returned from create_communicator
generation – The generational counter identifying the sequence number of the broadcast operation performed on the given base name. This is optional and needs to be supplied only if the broadcast operation on the given base name has to be performed more than once. The generation number (if given) must be a positive number greater than zero.
this_site – The sequence number of this invocation (usually the locality id). This value is optional and defaults to whatever hpx::get_locality_id() returns.
- Returns
This function returns a vector with all values send by all participating sites. This function executes synchronously and directly returns the result.
- Returns
This function returns a vector with all values send by all participating sites. This function executes synchronously and directly returns the result.
template<typename T>
namespace collectives