Defined in header hpx/init.hpp.
See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.
namespace hpx
enum class runtime_mode : std::int8_t#
A HPX runtime can be executed in two different modes: console mode and worker mode.
enumerator invalid#
enumerator console#
The runtime is the console locality.
enumerator worker#
The runtime is a worker locality.
enumerator connect#
The runtime is a worker locality connecting late
enumerator local#
The runtime is fully local.
enumerator default_#
The runtime mode will be determined based on the command line arguments
enumerator last#
enumerator invalid#
char const *get_runtime_mode_name(runtime_mode state) noexcept#
Get the readable string representing the name of the given runtime_mode constant.
runtime_mode get_runtime_mode_from_name(std::string const &mode)#
Returns the internal representation (runtime_mode constant) from the readable string representing the name.
This represents the internal representation from the readable string representing the name.
- Parameters
mode – this represents the runtime mode
enum class runtime_mode : std::int8_t#