
Defined in header hpx/async_distributed/trigger_lco_fwd.hpp.

See Public API for a list of names and headers that are part of the public HPX API.

namespace hpx


void trigger_lco_event(hpx::id_type id, naming::address &&addr, bool move_credits = true)#

Trigger the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • addr – [in] This represents the addr of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

inline void trigger_lco_event(hpx::id_type const &id, bool move_credits = true)#

Trigger the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

void trigger_lco_event(hpx::id_type id, naming::address &&addr, hpx::id_type const &cont, bool move_credits = true)#

Trigger the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • addr – [in] This represents the addr of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • cont – [in] This represents the LCO to trigger after completion.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

inline void trigger_lco_event(hpx::id_type const &id, hpx::id_type const &cont, bool move_credits = true)#

Trigger the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • cont – [in] This represents the LCO to trigger after completion.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

template<typename Result>
void set_lco_value(hpx::id_type id, naming::address &&addr, Result &&t, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the result value for the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the given value.

  • addr – [in] This represents the addr of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • t – [in] This is the value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

template<typename Result>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Result>, naming::address>> set_lco_value(hpx::id_type const &id, Result &&t, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the result value for the (managed) LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the given value.

  • t – [in] This is the value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

template<typename Result>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Result>, naming::address>> set_lco_value_unmanaged(hpx::id_type const &id, Result &&t, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the result value for the (unmanaged) LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the given value.

  • t – [in] This is the value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

template<typename Result>
void set_lco_value(hpx::id_type id, naming::address &&addr, Result &&t, hpx::id_type const &cont, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the result value for the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the given value.

  • addr – [in] This represents the addr of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • t – [in] This is the value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • cont – [in] This represents the LCO to trigger after completion.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

template<typename Result>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Result>, naming::address>> set_lco_value(hpx::id_type const &id, Result &&t, hpx::id_type const &cont, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the result value for the (managed) LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the given value.

  • t – [in] This is the value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • cont – [in] This represents the LCO to trigger after completion.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

template<typename Result>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Result>, naming::address>> set_lco_value_unmanaged(hpx::id_type const &id, Result &&t, hpx::id_type const &cont, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the result value for the (unmanaged) LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the given value.

  • t – [in] This is the value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • cont – [in] This represents the LCO to trigger after completion.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

void set_lco_error(hpx::id_type id, naming::address &&addr, std::exception_ptr const &e, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the error state for the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the error value.

  • addr – [in] This represents the addr of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • e – [in] This is the error value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

void set_lco_error(hpx::id_type id, naming::address &&addr, std::exception_ptr &&e, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the error state for the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the error value.

  • addr – [in] This represents the addr of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • e – [in] This is the error value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

inline void set_lco_error(hpx::id_type const &id, std::exception_ptr const &e, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the error state for the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the error value.

  • e – [in] This is the error value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

inline void set_lco_error(hpx::id_type const &id, std::exception_ptr &&e, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the error state for the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the error value.

  • e – [in] This is the error value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

void set_lco_error(hpx::id_type id, naming::address &&addr, std::exception_ptr const &e, hpx::id_type const &cont, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the error state for the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the error value.

  • addr – [in] This represents the addr of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • e – [in] This is the error value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • cont – [in] This represents the LCO to trigger after completion.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

void set_lco_error(hpx::id_type id, naming::address &&addr, std::exception_ptr &&e, hpx::id_type const &cont, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the error state for the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the error value.

  • addr – [in] This represents the addr of the LCO which should be triggered.

  • e – [in] This is the error value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • cont – [in] This represents the LCO to trigger after completion.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

inline void set_lco_error(hpx::id_type const &id, std::exception_ptr const &e, hpx::id_type const &cont, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the error state for the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the error value.

  • e – [in] This is the error value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • cont – [in] This represents the LCO to trigger after completion.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.

inline void set_lco_error(hpx::id_type const &id, std::exception_ptr &&e, hpx::id_type const &cont, bool move_credits = true)#

Set the error state for the LCO referenced by the given id.

  • id – [in] This represents the id of the LCO which should receive the error value.

  • e – [in] This is the error value which should be sent to the LCO.

  • cont – [in] This represents the LCO to trigger after completion.

  • move_credits – [in] If this is set to true then it is ok to send all credits in id along with the generated message. The default value is true.